Special Move

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Over the course of the next month, Team Estrella underwent rigorous training like never before.

"I have to unlock my special move before the Regionals! Otherwise, I won't stand a chance! Go, Thundering Terra!" Dèvon shouted as her bey and Leon's clashed in a power battle. They both pushed back and forth in the center fighting for dominance. Cascading sparks followed the clash of friction between the two high speed wheels.

"Theres no way you're beating me with that power! Go now, Leone! Send her flying!" Leon ordered. With a burst of energy, Leone rammed through Terra sending the bey sailing through the air. Dèvon caught her bey and stared at it before pouting.

"I knew it. I'm never gonna be good enough to be in regionals..." She sulked gripping the bey tighter. Leon frowned before walking around the ring and putting an arm around his sister.

"Don't talk like that! You almost beat me last week remember? We've just gotta practice hard! We still have a week for you to unlock your special move! Don't worry about it okay?" He reassured her. However, his words failed to put her at ease. Instead, her grip on her bey visibly tightened.

"I guess..." she mumbled.

".... I know what'll make you feel better! Wanna go again?" He offered holding up his yellow bey. However, his sister shook her head and walked over to the benches before sitting next to Jin.

"No... Thats okay. It's Sho's turn anyway." She sulked looking away. They all stared at her with concern before Jin stood up and pulled her to her feet.

"Then if you won't battle Leon again, battle me." He ordered firmly. Dèvon was surprised. 

Jin had never offered to battle her before and she'd never asked. In fact, she found herself avoiding battling him. There was something about his demeanor that made him seem unapproachable. She always felt inferior around him. Dèvon pulled her pony tail over her shoulders and ran her fingers through it anxiously.


"No buts. Lets go." Jin demanded calmly pulling her to an arena across the park. People stopped their battles and watched as they walked to a green course at the other end of the concrete jungle.

"Whats going on over there?"

"Are Jin and Dèvon from Team Estrella going to battle now?"

"That's strange. I don't think I've ever seen them battle before!!"

"This is a matchup we definitely need to witness!"

Soon, a crowd, with Leon and Sho at the forefront, gathered around the course. Jin's amber eyes remained calmly trained on Dèvon, unperturbed by the new attention. Dèvon however, felt the heat rapidly rise to her face as she scanned the large crowd flocking around them.

"Dèv, look at me. Not these people. Right now, in your mind it should just be the two of us. Let everything go and take a deep breath." Jin instructed. Dèvon was a basket case of nerves with all these eyes on her. They expected so much of her.

But wasn't this what you signed up for when you became a beywheeler...? She scolded herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Tune out the noise...

Block out all those eyes...

Its just me and Jin...

The noise of the excited chatter and mumbling quieted; the prying eyes disappeared. It was just her and Jin now.

"Your body's not tense and your expression has softened. Good. Now, lets battle. And remember, its just you and I. Don't be nervous, don't get distracted, and no matter how the battle is going or what the outcome may seem like, don't doubt yourself. Give it your all. Understand?"

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