Meeting the Boys

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Recap: "I'm so sorry. I was aiming for my friend here and I-" I cut him off while picking up the ball and turning around.

~~~~~~~And now chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~

"No it's ok it was an accident. No need to apologize." I said while turning around and meeting a tall boy with tan skin, brown eyes, cropped black hair, wearing a tight black t-shirt that showed his muscles with jeans and what looks like a tattoo on his upper right arm. I go to hand the ball back and hear the other guys yelling at him for what's taking so long.

"You're not from around here are you?" He asks while taking the ball and still smiling at me. "Oh the names Jacob but you can call me why don't you and the others come over and I will introduce you to my friends?" he asked.

"Sure, come on girls." I say nervously to them with a smile. They get off the rocks and we walk with Jake back to his friends who are talking amongst themselves. My stomach starts to get that butterfly feeling just by walking to meet Jakes friends.

"Guys I want you to meet some people," Jake states and then looks at us "girls this is Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Seth, Collin, Quil, Brady, and Leah." Jake finishes while pointing to a person when their name was said. I looked them all over, the boys seem all the same cropped black hair, tan skin, amazing muscles, brown eyes, and same height but Seth, Brady, and Collin are a little shorter. Then there's Leah and she has black hair that goes to her shoulders, tan skin, brown eyes and a fit body. What caught my eye was that they all had the same tattoo on their upper right arms.

After looking them all over, my eyes land on a certain boy. When I looked into his eyes I froze in my spot. I felt bad that I was staring but I couldn't look away even though I tried. I noticed that he was staring at me too with what looked like love and adoration on his face. I heard someone clear their throat and that brought me back to reality.

"H-hi, my name is Amy and these are my sisters Carly, Sarah, and Tessa." I pointed to each of them as I called their names. I noticed my sisters were staring at a couple of the boys like I was.

"Are you guys new here or just visiting?" I think it was Jared who asked with a smile.

"We moved here from Florida. Our dad got a job offer here." I responded. My phone started going off playing "Dead and Gone" as my ringtone. I look and see that my mom is calling me. "Excuse me for minute." I told everyone and walked to a good distance and turned my back to them and answered my phone. (Hi mom)

(Hi sweetie, how are you and your sisters?)

(We're good. We met some friends on the beach. Did you need anything?)

(I was on my way to the store and wondered if you need anything?)

(Actually yeah, can you pick up ingredients for me to make my delicious pie?)

(Sure sweetie, okay have fun bye.)

(Bye mom.) I ended the call and walked back over to the group again. Carly and Tessa were talking about something while the guys were shaking their heads and laughing like sure. "Hey guys what's funny?" I asked cause the guys are laughing.

"They were playing soccer when we said you were very good at it, but they don't believe us." Carly says to me with a playful pout.

"Did you tell them you guys played as well?" I asked her.

"Ok prove it. Prove that you can play soccer like they say you can." Paul says with a cocky smirk.

"Fine are we doing one on one or teams? My sisters and I against you and the others? Your choice." I say crossing my arms with a smile on my face.

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