Bonfire Date

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It's been 2 weeks since my family and I moved here to La Push. In those two weeks Embry and I have gotten closer. It was Friday and I was grabbing the books I need for English class when Embry walks up to me. I turn to face him and he asked, "Amy, are you doing anything tomorrow evening?"

"No I don't have anything planned, why?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you would go with me to a bonfire tomorrow and hear the tribes stories, like a date?" He asked nervously looking down at the floor with a hand on his neck. I was really happy that he asked me to go do something with him.

"Embry, I would love to." I responded with a smile as we were walking to class.

"Great, I will pick you up at 6:00 p.m." He says with a smile. The rest of the day went by slow and I mean really slow. After the final bell I ran to my locker smiling like a goof and put everything in my locker. After that I walked to my car with my sisters talking to the guys and I noticed Embry was looking over at me. I couldn't help but blush and have the butterflies in my stomach feeling.

On the car ride home my sisters were very quiet and we were listening to 'Talking Body' by Tove Lo. Sarah turns the music off and says, "Ok what's up? Ever since this morning you couldn't stop smiling or were spacing off. Now what's gotten into you Amy?" I was quiet for a moment and finally spoke,

"Embry asked me to go to a bonfire tomorrow night with him and I said I would love too, and now I'm nervous about the whole thing." They were looking at my with wide eyes and they all three in unison said,

"Same here," I was surprised but happy for all four of us to be going out on Saturday night. I wasn't really paying attention at all to my sisters talking when I noticed something running in the woods next to the car. I looked over and I thought I saw a person. An extremely pale person with maybe light brown hair? I couldn't tell but looked back at the road then back to the spot and saw nothing there.

Later that night I got ready for bed and couldn't wait for tomorrow. After a while which felt like hours I finally was able to go to sleep. Dreaming of what tomorrow would be like.

-----------(Time Skip to the Next Day)---------------

I woke up feeling like crap and noticed it was 10:45 a.m. I got up and went downstairs to get something to eat. Everyone else was there at the table eating. I wasn't feeling so good so I just ate a banana and had a small glass of water.

"Morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" my mom asked.

"Fine, I slept fine." I said with my voice sounding hoarse. I finished my breakfast and went back upstairs and watched a little bit of TV. Around 3:30 p.m. I went and took a shower washing my hair with berry scented shampoo and conditioner.
When I got out I went to my closet and picked out a cute outfit. I put it on so I'm wearing a white sweater with black patterns on it, a white t-shirt underneath, dark skinny jeans, and white sweater boots. After that I curled my hair and put mascara on. I grab my necklace and put my opal earrings in. When I am finished with that I look over at the clock on my nightstand and see that it's 5:50 p.m.

My parents left a half hour ago and my sisters went with Seth, Collin, and Brady. I walk downstairs and hear the doorbell ring and went to open it. When I opened the door I noticed Embry standing there in a light grey short sleeve hoodie, cutoff jean shorts and converse.

"Amy, you look absolutely beautiful," Embry says checking my over.

"You look hot," and I just realized what I had said and immediately averted my gaze to anything but him. I heard him laugh softly and asked,

"Are you ready to go?" I nodded and he reached his hand out and I took it. We walked a bit and we talked getting to know each other more. I was happy around Embry, I couldn't stop smiling or laughing. After about 25 minutes maybe a half hour we were at the beach. I saw a group of people and Embry lead me over towards the bonfire. There was some food and Embry got like 4 hotdogs and 2 hamburgers. As to me I got a hotdog and a little cookie. We sat on a log with the guys and my sisters around us talking and eating their food.

I ate half of my hotdog still not feeling well and noticed Embry seemed a hungry still. So I offered him my other half and he looked at me confused. "Here take it, I'm not hungry."

"No it's yours to eat not mine," but I just kept the hotdog in my hand that's gestured to him to just take the damn hotdog.

"It's fine, I'm not hungry," he took it and ate it saying thanks before hand. I smiled at him and ate the little chocolate cookie my favorite. After awhile we gathered around the fire and I sat next Embry. Carly sat next to Seth, Sarah sitting next to Brady and Tessa sitting between Sarah and Collin. My parents are sitting with the elders and Leah. Paul and Jared are with their girlfriends Kim and Rachel. Jacob is sitting to the left of me. Billy starts telling the legends about the cold ones attacking the village and the third wife making a sacrifice to save the village. Chief Taha Aki shifter and ripped the cold one apart.

He also talks about how men shifted to wolves to protect the Quileute people from these cold ones. He even told a story about how the man that shifts into a wolf finds his soul mate that they were made for each other. These stories, legends got me interested and I was starting to get tired so I laid my head on Embry's shoulder.

After awhile I think it was probably around 10:30 p.m. or later but truly didn't care. I helped clean up and Embry was walking me home. I started getting cold and started rubbing my arms. Embry must have seen because he said, "Are you cold? Let me help," and he put an arm around my waist pulling into his side. It was warm and I was thankful and smiled and replied a thank you.

We reached my house and I didn't want to leave his side. I turned towards Embry leaving is toaster of a body and, "Thanks Embry, I had a great time. I loved hearing the stories of your tribe. I liked being there with you," I said in softly.

"Yeah I had a great time with you too," he added with his gorgeous smile. I had this nervous feeling again like butterflies in your stomach. I leaned up on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Embry," I said only above a whisper, and walked in the house. I went to my room still not feeling well and went to bed thinking of all that happened today.

~~~~~~~(Unknown POV)~~~~~~~~~

I ran next to her car following them like the boss said. The girl looked over at me and I used my power when she looked straight into my eyes. I was making her feel sick, terrible and have aches. I love torturing people, making them feel hate, betrayal, depressed and most of all pain. The day for us to strike is coming closer. We just have to get rid of those mutts and the vegetarian Cullens.

Hahaha I can't wait for the plan to be in motion. Look out Washington we're coming for ya.

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