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All I saw was darkness, but I can still hear the things going on around me. The pain in my stomach dulled but I could still feel it.

"When will she wake up?" I heard someone ask.

"Soon, but once she does we need to make sure she eats properly and gets rest." I heard a calm voice state. I felt a cold hand being placed on my forehead. I don't know who the hand belonged to, but last time I felt a cold hand was when I was kidnapped and tortured with my sisters. I panicked and started to flail and thrash my arms to get away. I felt a mixture of both warm and cold hands hold me down.

"Amy, calm down no ones going to hurt you," said a very familiar voice. I knew and loved that voice. It was Embry. I miss him but I couldn't let him look into my eyes. I didn't want him to love me..a killer. I felt him rub my cheek and I leaned into his warming touch. After his touch calmed me down, my eyes fluttered open. When my eyes opened I was met with warm chocolate brown eyes and that warming smile of his.

After gazing at Embry, I took in my surroundings. I noticed I was in the living room at the Cullens house. When I was looking around I noticed the pack and Cullens scattered throughout the room. I saw concern and worry in everyone's eyes, even Rosalie. I like Rosalie, she was like another sister and she was a good friend of mine.

I sat up and regretted it when my head spun and I felt like I was going to vomit. When I did I rushed a bathroom and emptied my stomach of bile. I heard someone by the door and felt a hand rub my back. I turned and saw Rosalie with a sad smile.

We went back downstairs once I washed my mouth out. My sisters were sitting with their imprints and looking at me. I looked down at the floor like it was very interesting.

"Amy we need you to talk. Why aren't you sleeping or eating?" Rosalie asked. I stayed silent not wanting to talk.

"Amy, would you mind if I gave you a checkup?" Carlisle asked noticing that I didn't want to talk. I nod my head and followed him into his medical room. I sat on the bed and Carlisle stood next to me doing the usual blood pressure, checking eyes, nose and mouth, checked my weight. "Amy do you mind if I run a few tests?"

"No that's fine," I said above a whisper. He drew blood, and other tests. He said I could leave and I walked out of the room. I walked into the living room and was embraced in a hug. It was Carly. I was shocked at first but in return I just pat her side as a sign that I'm done hugging.

"Why won't you talk to us Amy?" She said. What could I say? I was lost for words. "Amy please, we want to help."

"Amy you haven't been the same since that night." Sarah added. The others started voicing statements just like Carly and Sarah. I have been keeping my emotions bottled up for so long and now, listening to them, made me burst.

"You want know why I won't eat or sleep?! It's because when I go to sleep or even shut my eyes, the same dream no..nightmare keeps reappearing. It's the same thing over and over. I keep seeing those eyes, those blood red eyes haunting my dreams to the point I'm afraid to fall asleep! And for why I'm not eating is because I keep throwing up. Eating and drinking just causes me to throw up!" When I was done with my rant I was out of breath.

"But..but why do always look at the floor? Why won't you look at us? Any of us for that matter." Carly asked and the others voice their agreements.

"Why I won't look at you is because I don't want to see the looks from everyone.."

"What do you mean?" Tessa asked confused.

"I don't want to see the pain! The pain, sadness, hatred, and loss in everyone's eyes. That night when you guys were being beaten I screamed and tried to help but was held back. When I finally broke free...I ran to your guys bodies. I got you on my back and ran for help. When I heard you didn't make it I was hoping it wasn't true. But..but when I went into the bedroom and saw your deathly pale skin, I went and nudged, laid and licked you guys...but you didn't move.

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