Thanksgiving with Family

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It's two days before thanksgiving. The day after my birthday everyone helped Embry, the kids, and I move into our new house. The furniture was placed in the rooms to the way we wanted it. I tried to help carry some boxes or anything, but if anyone saw me with something they would take it from me. The first thing done was the kitchen. All the pots, pans, utensils, ingredients, and food was put away. So I made food for everyone that day while they cleaned and got the house all done.

Now here I am making deserts for the thanksgiving dinner party at Emily's that's tonight. I am making my famous apple pie with drizzled Carmel on top, pumpkin pie, snickers Carmel apple salad, some brownies with powdered sugar. Everyone is making something but I called dibs on desert. I can't help but think of the baby as it kicks softly. I have noticed after six months being pregnant, that the kicks are occurring more frequently. It feels like there's more than one pair of feet hitting my stomach. I was brought out of my thoughts by having arms wrap around me.

"Are you ready to go?" Embry asked breathing softly into my ear. It tickles and I let a small giggle out.

"Yeah I'm just about done with the pumpkin pie. Then I'm going to change and we can go," I said kissing his cheek. Once the pie was out I waddled up the stairs to our room and change. I changed into a nice big sweater that's brown and whit, black yoga pants, and brown sweater boots. When I was done getting dressed I started getting some pain in my stomach. I just pushed it off to the side. My makeup was already done and I waddled down the stairs slowly. My stomach is huge for just one baby man or maybe it's just all the weight I gained and I'm carrying.

Once Embry saw me he helped me get everything to the car and strapped the kids in. We headed off to Sam's and Emily's. Once there we got out and the kids helped carry food in. I was walking slow because there was some snow on the ground. So here's me walking with a hand on my stomach and the other on my back heading towards the house.  While Emily, my mom, Tiffany, and Sue worked getting all the food set up, the rest were in the living room. Some on the floor, on couches, on imprint's lap, or in a chair.

When Emily said the food was ready we all got up and headed to the kitchen. I helped get the kids plates and got them situated. I waited till everyone got their food then I got mine. I grabbed some turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, corn, and potato salad. I sat down at the table by Embry. We all talked and laughed.

"Amy have you talked about baby names yet?" Tiffany asked.

"We have thought about a couple but not really sure," I replied before eating a piece of ham.

"Can we hear the suggestions?" Kim asked.

"We have many that we can't decide. If it's a girl lily, Tina for our moms names mixed together, Emma, Sadie, and Nina. Now if it's a boy Noah, Liam, Aiden, Elijah, and Tommy." I said listing some of the names out.

"You'll figure it out once you hold the baby. That's how your father and I picked your names Amy." There was agreements from Tiffany, Sue, and Billy saying they did the same thing. Once the main food was done everyone started moving on to desert. While I was eating my food I started feeling funny again. I started getting pain in my stomach and I started to getting hot.

"Amy are you alright dear?" I looked up to see that Tiffany with a worried expression.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just letting everyone get their desert before I go up there." I replied.

"Here I get you some, what would you like?" She asked. I shook my head and grabbed my plate and responded,

"I can get it, but thank you for offering," I smiled at her. We were all scattered around the kitchen, but my dad, Billy, Sam, Paul, Jared, Rachel, Kim, and the kids are in the living room with their deserts. I went to stand up and regretted it. Pain shot through my stomach and I gasped and grabbed the table with my hand to steady myself.

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