Dreams or Reality

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~~~~(Embry's POV)~~~~~

As Amy's beaten body laid in the bed of the truck explaining what had happened. She could only say a couple of words in between breaths. After hearing what she had said I was in tears, I know all of the guys were with heightened hearing.

I noticed Amy's eyes were closing. "No no Amy keep your eyes open. Stay with me," I can tell she tried staying awake but ended up shutting her eyes. I was instantly scared and worried. What seemed like forever, we finally arrived at the Cullens residents.

Sam stopped the car and Jake went knocking on the door. The rest of us carefully lifted Amy up and out of the truck. Edward opened the door and saw us carrying an unconscious Amy. He called for Carlisle and instantly appeared in front of us.

"Let's get her inside," Carlisle ordered but I was in no mood to argue when my imprint's life is on the line. We got in side and Carlisle took her from us and went up the stairs in nothing but a blur. I sat in the living room waiting for maybe a couple of hours but still haven't heard a thing from Carlisle. The Cullens were spread out around the room same goes for the pack and imprints.

I just sat their deep in thought thinking about Amy not even paying attention to the conversations carrying throughout the room. Katie wouldn't let anyone hold her because she was worried about her mom. So I was holding and comforting her with Luke next to me leaning against my arm. We were all waiting for any type of news about Amy's condition and I knew it was going to be a long night.

~~~~~(Amy's POV)~~~~~~

Darkness. All I see is darkness. I feel no pain, none that I felt earlier fighting those damn blood suckers. I couldn't stop thinking about Emily, Kim, my sisters, my kids, and the other imprints. Were they all safe? Did the guys make it back before anything else could happen?

I tried hard to open my eyes and when I did I found a beautiful meadow. I looked down and noticed I was in Jean shorts, a white elbow sleeve shirt and converse. I heard the birds chirping and felt the nice breeze blow past me making the trees weave in the wind.

Am....am I dead? I can't remember what happened after fight in those three vampires. I remember the one with dark hair that's cut neatly and kind of young. (P.s. He's the picture of the last chapter.) I remember seeing him in my dream but what was his name?

"Amy," I turned to the voice calling my name and saw Embry. We was smiling with his arms held out to me. I ran and jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mommy mommy!" I heard someone yell and turn to see Katie and Luke running towards me with smiles on their faces. I crouched down and the kids literally ran into me knocking me to the ground hugging me. I hugged them both back smiling that they were safe.

"Amy," I heard my name and recognized the voice. It was Carly's voice and I looked up to see my sisters, the rest of the pack, all the imprints and the Cullens. I smiled because everyone was and is safe.

"Oh Amy," I froze hearing his voice. I slowly turned around and saw the vampire from my dream.

"Who are you?" Curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know his name and why do I always see him.

"You know what I am, but if you must know my name is Jason." I noticed two others join him. He pointed to his right. " this is Zach," then pointed to his left "and this is Mason." Now that I got a good look all three of them were the same exact vampires from my dream.

"You spoiled my plans kid, now we're coming to finish what we started." He keeps smirking and I just want to go up and bitch slap that smirk right off his face. Suddenly the scene changes. "You won't be able to stop us from what we do best, and that my dear is this," he said moving his hand as a gesture to look. I turned and screamed at the sight before me.

Everyone is dead slaughtered, blood is everywhere. My sisters eyes open with no sign of life with their imprints on top as if they tried to shield them but failed. Sam held Emily's hand, Jared had his arms wrapped around Kim's waist like a shield hug. The same went for Paul and Rachel. Leah was by Luke who was holding Katie's hand and Embry's body laid over the kids in a protective manner.

"You will pay for this..." I said barely above a whisper. I turned around my hands into tight fists and grinding my teeth together to keep a scream from coming out. The three leeches were all smirking then lunged at me. I didn't move I just stood there showing no fear but my anger was building up.

Finally the pressure was released and I saw nothing but red. I shifted but couldn't reach them even if I ran fast pushing my limits.

Then everything went black and I heard mumbling. I felt something touching my right hand but I couldn't move. I could hear people speaking but it sounded so far away that my brain just registered it as mumbling.

Was I still dreaming or am I seriously dead? I can't tell anymore when everything is numb and dark.

"She's been through a lot and needs much needed rest. She'll wake up in a couple of days hopefully, but her body needs time to heal." I know the voice but can't remember who it belongs to. I felt something squeeze my hand and I tried moving a finger just a little bit.

-----(Time Skip 4 Hours)--------

I still felt the presence of a person on my right but more of a comforting presence.

"Amy, if you can hear me....I want you to know I'm here and never leaving you. I love you Amy so much, please move a finger or open your eyes," I heard a person whisper.

I tried to open my eyes with all the strength I had left and I finally succeeded after a few attempts. I slowly opened my eyes to see everything still fuzzy. As I opened my eyes I looked over to my right and saw Embry holding my hand with his head down.

"Em..bry.." I hoarsely whispered. Embry's head shot up and I saw happiness, joy, lust and love in his eyes.

"Amy your awake of thank god! I was so worried about you," I squeezed his hand in comfort but winced at the little bit of pain in my wrist. Soon the door opens and in comes Carlisle, Edward, and Sam.

"Glad to see you are awake Amy," Carlisle says quietly. I slightly nodded my head.

"Are..the girls..safe," I spoked slowly with my voice very hoarse.

"Yes Amy, all the girls are safe thanks to you," Sam replied. I nodded slowly cause my head was still hurting.

"Amy," I looked to Carlisle "you suffered many broken ribs, fractured knee, sprained wrist and ankle, and a mild concussion."

"We have told your parents and you will be going home soon but I just want to make sure your stable and have someone there to keep an eye on you in case something comes up." Carlisle states as a doctors order.

"Okay," I said quietly to where if they didn't have super hearing they wouldn't have heard me.

"The others have been waiting for you to wake up to come see you. Would you like to have visitors?" Edward asked. I nodded and he left to get the others. Shortly the door opened and everyone came in. Katie and Luke rushed to the side of the bed and each held my hand. After awhile Katie still looked like she was going to cry.

"Mommy I was scared you wouldn't come back," she said sniffling.

"Remember I promised I wouldn't let anything hurt you guys and I intend to keep that promise." Now she was sitting on the edge of the bed and Luke was sitting on my left. I started humming a tune then sang 'I will always return' by Bryan Adams. After singing the song I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I had the kids laying next to me asleep and my arms wrapped around the two of them. I fell into a peaceful sleep with everyone in the room knowing everyone is safe I won't rest till those three blood suckers are dead and turned to ash.

Thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed it.
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P.s. The picture is Zach.
I like to say thanks to Huntingangel1200 for voting it means a lot to me and I appreciate it. :)

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