Secrets Revealed

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I woke up the next morning still feeling terrible but not as bad. I get up and head to take a shower. Once in the shower I let the warm water run over my body to relax my muscles. After the shower I got out and put on a white long sleeve shirt with a black cardigan, aqua pants and a black and blue scarf, with cute white slip on shoes.

I went to my bathroom mirror and started curling my hair. After that I put on mascara, a blue bracelet, and my necklace.i hear my phone go off and look to see it was Embry who texted me. It read,

-------(Texting Conversation)---------

'Are you busy?'

'No, I didn't have anything planned. Hbu?' I asked him.

'Nothin hanging with the guys. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hangout?'

'I would love to, be over soon :).'

'Ok can't wait, over at Sam's, see you soon.'

I go downstairs still not hungry and saw my parents in the kitchen talking with my sisters looking bored at the table.

"Hey, I'm going over to Sam's to hangout with the guys,"

"Yeah right, your going over there to get all lovey dovey with Embry," Sarah remarks.

"Says the one who's always with Brady when we hangout with the guys," I responded with a satisfying smile. I go to walk to my car and my sisters said that they got texts from their crushes to come over and hangout. If you haven't noticed, I do everything with my sisters. I love them and would do anything for them. We are leaving the driveway and are on our way to Sam's.

~~~~~(Embry's POV)~~~~~~

The guys and I decided that we would tell them about us. I wanted to wait and have her hear the tribes stories before telling her that I'm a shifter. After texting her about coming over to hangout and her saying yes, I began to get nervous. I noticed I wasn't the only one who's nervous. I look over and see Seth pacing back and forth, Brady mumbling to himself while pacing, and Collin had his head in his hands sitting on the porch.

The rest of the guys are watching us with amused looks on their faces. After about five minutes Emily said the muffins are done and I went inside to grab me a few. After about ten minutes of sitting and talking we heard a car pull up and I instantly froze becoming very nervous.

We all walk outside besides Emily still cleaning up from baking the muffins, and smile at my beautiful imprint Amy.

~~~~~~(Amy's POV)~~~~~~~~

I pulled up to Sam's and parked the car and got out with my sisters following pursuit. When we got to the front end of the car all the guys came out. I noticed Embry first and saw him smiling at me and I smiled back. After greeting everyone Embry wanted to take a walk and stuck his hand out to me. I took his hand and we walked through the woods, he would help me over fallen trees and rocks until after a while we came to a meadow.

And not just any meadow, but the meadow I met that gorgeous wolf every day almost. I've grown so attached to the wolf I would talk to him about anything even telling him secrets even though he can't talk back.

Carly, Seth, Sarah, Brady, Collin, and Tessa were also with us. After a few minutes the Embry spoke.

"There's something that I need to tell you Amy. You have been honest with me and I need to be honest. Do you remember the tribe stories?"

"Yes I loved hearing the stories but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked with confusion. He grabbed my hands in his and noticed how small my hands are. I look to see Seth, Brady and Collin looking down at the ground. I couldn't see their face to know if they were scared or nervous.

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