The Legend

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~~~~(Billy's POV)~~~~
"I can't believe it's true," Quil Ateara III said. I nodded staying silent.

"Are you sure Billy?" She asked letting the information sink in.

"Yes Sue, it's true. I saw the colors of their fur and what gave it away was the eyes. Their eyes are a shocking blue. All Quileute members have different shades of brown eyes. Except for those of which the legend speak of," I paused and looked at my hands, "but if it's true, then they can end the war and bring peace to our land."

"Should we tell them or keep the information to ourselves?" Sue asked debating her options.

"We should, because if we don't then more trouble lies ahead." Ateara III answered her question.

"He's right, and I will be the one to tell them." Billy lets out a frustrated sigh. I didn't think that this legend was true, but then again, there's the one about us shifters.

~~~~(Amy's POV)~~~~
I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes with an arm wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes to see Katie sleeping on Luke's shoulder. I looked behind me to see Embry's face laying against my shoulder. I looked at his face taking in every feature. The sunlight made his russet skin look bright and glowing like an angel with heavenly light surrounding their body. His eye lashes lay against his soft skin barely touching. His soft lips are parted blowing warm air on my shoulder. It tickles but made me smile. This had to of been the best sleep I've ever had.

I looked at the alarm clock behind Luke to see it's 9:45 a.m. I sat there for about fifteen minutes when Embry woke up.

"Morning handsome," I whispered with a smile on my face. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before replying,

"Morning beautiful," and sat up. I sat up and leaned my back against the headboard on a pillow with my head on his shoulder. I had Katie's head in my lap and Luke was in a ball in the blankets reminding me of a cocoon. I was playing with Katie's hair while she slept. I heard my phone vibrate and looked over to see that my phone lit up to see Jakes name across the screen. I reached over and grabbed my phone before settling next to Embry again. I read the message.

"Hmm," I hummed.

"What is it?" Embry asked.

"It's from Jake, he wants to see all of us at his house at noon." I replied wondering why he wanted to see us.

"Okay, maybe it's about Billy and the way he was acting yesterday." He stated. I nodded to what Embry was saying. Now that I think about it, Billy was acting strange. When I looked into his eyes I knew that he knew something, but wasn't telling.

"Let's get ready, and I will make breakfast." Embry had his arms around my waist with his head on my shoulder but nodded his response. I got up after Embry did and went into my closet to put on a long black sleeve, white/grey shorts and converse. Embry just grabbed a white t-shirt and tan shorts. I went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast when my mom came in. "Morning mom, hey can you watch the kids for awhile?"

"Sure sweetheart, what for?" She asked grabbing a cup of coffee and yawning into her hand.

"Billy wanted to see the pack, girls, and me" I replied. She nodded then grabbed some French toast, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. After Embry and I ate breakfast, we left heading to Billy's. I held Embry's hand and he intertwined our fingers. I looked at him as he looked down at me. I smiled at him as he leaned down and pecked my lips. We walked in comfortable silence the rest of the way to Billy's.

When we got to Billy's house he was outside on the porch with Jake beside him. We walked up and greeted them and waited for the rest of them. Shortly the others came out of the trees. Once we were all there in a semi circle around Billy he began to tell us why we were here.

"I have talked with the other council members. You...Amy, Carly, Sarah, and Tessa are the Quileute protectors."

"We're what?" My sisters and I asked in unison but confused.

"Billy you're not making any sense," Sam added.

"There's a legend about Quileute protectors," he paused "they are shifters who have different traits than those of other shifters. The Quileute Protectors have shocking blue eyes while the other shifters have brown. They don't phase because of the cold ones. They phase on instinct when others are threatened and sometimes with anger. They have abilities when the other shifters don't. They are stronger, faster, healers, can read minds." Billy said.

"Kind of like when Amy healed her sisters." Sam mumbled.

"Wait so your saying we are protectors, and that I healed my sisters who were on deaths door?" I asked really flabbergasted. Billy nodded his response.

"The Quileute Protectors are said to protect those good from evil. Even the good cold ones. The legend says that the protectors will bring peace to everyone by eliminating the enemy. They say that one of the protectors is the alpha like Sam and Jake. By saying anything with the alpha command anyone has to obey." Billy stated.

"Just like when Amy went after Emmet and Paul and I tackled her. She didn't hurt Paul or anything but pinned him to the ground. When she got off of him he stayed on the ground." Jared added.

"Your right, all I heard was 'stay down' and I did. I had no control of my body." Paul inquired.

"They will also do anything to protect those around them...especially loved ones." Billy whispered the last part. I processed the legend's information Billy said. My sisters and I are protectors, we have abilities. The one part that caught my attention was that we had healing ability. I healed my sisters...I nearly killed them....but ended up saving them. I smiled at the thought and said 'thanks...Rose'.

After the others asked Billy questions we all went out separate ways. Embry went on patrol with Jake, Quil, and Leah. Sam, Jared, and Paul went to Emily's. My sisters, their imprints and I went home to hangout.

(Time Skip 2 Weeks)
It was an important day for me, Embry, and some of the guys. Today was graduation day! I went to bed late because I couldn't sleep, thinking about the next day's events. I was finally graduating and was excited. My whole family is going to be here, even the kids. I was getting ready and got dressed in a white dress. The front goes to my knees while the back goes by my calves. I wear silver heels and put my hair in loose curls. I put mascara on with silver eyeshadow.

I heard a knock and saw my mom at the door. She was smiling at me and said it was time to go. I got in the car and was at the school. When we parked the car I put my gown on and cap. The colors are black and gold. I was graduating with honors and found my seat, because the ceremony was starting. After hearing the speech from the valedictorian and principal they started giving out the diplomas. When I heard my name "Amy Braddock" I walked up on stage. I shared the principals hand and got my diploma. I faced the crowd and smiled feeling accomplished. I heard clapping, and cheers from my family and the guys. I walked off stage and back to my seat.

When I heard the guys names being called I cheered for them as they did for me. When all the names had been said we all got up and went to our friends. I went to Embry and the others. Soon the principal counted down for us to throw our caps. When he got to the final number we threw our caps in the air and cheered. I felt arms wrap around my waist and a pair of lips crashed down on my lips. That day was the ending of a chapter opening a new one to my life.
I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please comment and vote for it.
Thanks again to huntingangel1200 and who_cares_yolo.
You guys have helped me so much by encouraging me to keep going. It means a lot to me.
The picture is Amy's wolf and her sisters just different colors.

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