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~~~~(Carly's POV)~~~~
Nothing. That's all I see, hear, smell, and feel...nothing. I can't even remember what happened or how I ended up here. Am...am I dead? It's so quiet here and dark. All I know is that I'm floating in the space like air. Out of no where I heard laughter, and not just any laughter. It was children laughter.

I turned my head and saw four little girls playing and laughing. I remember this was when my sisters and I were playing outside on rocks by the ocean. We were looking at tide pools and saw the cute little creatures swimming around in them. I watched the scene remembering unfold.

I was running in my white t-shirt, pink shorts and sandals. "Carly, be carful. The rocks are slippery," Amy warned.

"Okay!" I yelled back jumping on the rocks. The waves were crashing against the sides of the rocks. Some of the water came up the sides and on top of the rocks. I wasn't paying attention and ran across the rocks. My sandals lost traction on the rocks and I slipped on the rocks, falling on top of a couple of sharp ones. "Oww!" After falling and feeling the pain in my leg I screamed out and cried.

"Carly!" I heard my sisters scream. I laid there on the ground with tears in my eyes. I felt a hand on me and saw that it was Amy.

"It's okay Carly, everything's going to be okay." I felt relaxed at Amy's calming words. "Carly, get on my back." I looked to see Amy crouch down with her back facing me. Tessa and Sarah helped me up and once I was on Amy's back I put my arms around her neck. When Amy put her arms underneath my legs, she stood up and began to walk back to where I presumed home.

After awhile we returned home and Amy bandaged my cut up leg.we all sat on the couch and watched 101 Dalmatians. Soon the scene changed and again I watched little me laying in bed coughing with the flu. I heard a knock and looked towards the door seeing Amy walk in with soup and water. She stayed with me the whole night telling me stories, and sang until I got better. She was always there for us and I was grateful to have Amy as a sister even if she was two years older than me.

Then I remembered being kidnapped by vampires. The last thing I remember was being hit constantly to the point I blacked out. I miss my sisters, the pack, everyone, and most importantly I missed Seth. Soon I felt a tingling sensation in my hand that spread up my arm and through out my whole body.

I could feel my strength slowly build up. Soon I got feeling back and felt a warm hand holding my hand. I heard mumbling but couldn't register what was being said. I had to open my eyes.i heard a sorrowful howl. I had to see Seth and make sure my sisters were okay. With that last thought I used the strength I had and concentrated on opening my eyes. After a few attempts I was successful and a handsome face was in front of me.

Seth I was truly happy to see him. He smiled at me and I noticed his face was streaked with tears. It broke my heart but I lifted my hand and cupped his cheek. I looked to my right and saw Tessa and Sarah just waking up and looking around confused as to how we got here.

"Girls your awake?!" Our parents shouted with joy. I looked at their faces and saw that they too have been crying. I noticed Carlisle, and Sam standing in the room too.

"How's this possible? You guys.."Sam trailed off. I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Girls, you were hurt badly to the point I couldn't help you....I did everything I could but it wasn't enough." Carlisle stated.

"Hold on, you guys mean that we..." Tessa pointed to me, Sarah, and herself. "...died?" There was complete silence and I knew we had our answer.

"But what I can't understand is how you guys are alive and no sign of any injury," Carlisle mumbled to himself. After hearing this I noticed someone wasn't in the room.

"Where's Amy?" I asked. The boys had their heads down, Sam and Carlisle's eyes looked towards the floor, and our parents were just standing there debating. Finally Sam spoke,

"She brought you guys here to my house. Carlisle was trying to save your lives while Amy was outside. When Carlisle did everything he could to save you but we ended up losing you guys. I brought Amy up so she could be here for your last few minutes. She laid, licked and nudged each of you then ran out the door into the woods. No ones seen her since and Embry ran off to find her but we don't know."

I pushed the blankets back and tried to stand. "No Carly, you have to rest," Seth said with concern.

"No, I need to find Amy." I was getting upset. No one tried to stop her and she left.

"Carly you need to rest. Amy's fine she nearly got you three killed." My mom stated with a little bit of anger. That set me off and I could tell Tessa and Sarah felt the same way. I couldn't stand here and listen to this. I slammed the door open and I ran out of the room. I felt pain but it soon vanished once I saw red.

I was down the stairs, out the door and into the woods in a dead sprint trying to locate Amy. I heard more pairs of feet behind me knowing it was Tessa and Sarah. I turned around and saw that it was two wolves, so I looked down and saw paws instead of feet. I'm a shifter? But how...never mind.

I need to find Amy. She is blaming herself for what has happened, thinking she is the reason we died. I ran for what seemed like a long time until I came to a meadow. The sight broke my heart and I felt tears prick the backs of my eyes. Embry sat next to a wolf who had wet streaked fur under the eyes from tears. I stopped and heard the other two stop directly behind me.

Amy....was my last thought with a single tear, slowly falling down my cheek and landing on the ground.

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