Babysitting and Rescuing

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I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. I went to roll over but couldn't feeling something wrapped around my waist. I look and see an arm holding me to a warm chest. I follow the arm and see Embry laying next to me. I smile looking at his face, he looks so peaceful. I tried to move his arm without waking him up but didn't go as planned.

Hi eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me. He smiled, "Good morning beautiful,"

"Morning handsome," I replied back.

"I have to go do patrol maybe we can hangout later?"

"Sounds good, see you then."

I was getting ready for the day, because today I was babysitting Clare and Renesmee. Ever since the boys told me and my sisters about them being shifters, Quil and Jake would ask if I could watch them until their patrol is over. I love kids I always babysat my sisters when we were little, I even babysat other kids when I lived in Florida.

Around 2 o'clock I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door and saw Jake with Renesmee and Quil with Clare.

"Thanks Amy for watching the girls while we run patrol," Jake spoke.

"No problem, my parents are at work, and the girls are with their wolf boys." I said taking Clare from Quil who was handing her to me. Renesmee hung to Jakes hand, she was probably scared but I met her before. I know she and her family are vampires and I'm okay with it because they don't hurt people. "Hey Renesmee, want to watch a movie?" I said with a smile. She nodded and walked over to me. The boys left and we watched them leave until they were out of sight.

We watched a movie and played outside for a bit when the girls started to get hungry. I went to the kitchen and cooked Mac and cheese and some juice for the girls. Afterwards they were looking a little tired so they laid down on the couch.

Renesmee laid her head on my thigh while I held Clare trying to get her to sleep. They looked bored and Renesmee asked,

"Can you sing a song?"

"Sure what song would you like?" She thought for a moment but said anything. So I thought for few minutes and decided to sing 'White Horse' by Taylor swift. It was a soft song and I started singing it just like Taylor but a little softer. Clare was asleep half way through the song and Renesmee was trying to keep her eyes open. After I finished she said tiredly,

"Thanks, it was nice..." And she drifted off to sleep. Around 4 or 5 o'clock the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it with Clare still in my arms dead asleep. I looked back over at the couch and noticed Renesmee was still asleep wrapped in a blanket I put on her earlier.

I I opened the door and saw Quil and Jake standing there. I motioned for them to come in and when they came in they were confused with it being so quiet. "Is Clare asleep, and how was she for you?" Quil asked with concern in his eyes for his imprint.

"They both were great, we had a lot of fun. Around 3 o'clock they were getting tired, so we laid on the couch for awhile and they fell asleep. I enjoyed having them over," I said quietly as to not wake Clare or Renesmee up. Jake went over to Renesmee and picked her up and I heard her mumble something. Quil went to take Clare from me but she just grabbed my shirt a little tighter not wanting to leave. I was able to move her a little and let Quil take her. The boys said thanks again and left.

------------(Time Skip to 3 Weeks Later)--------------

I have been spending more time with the guys, Leah, Emily, the imprints and especially Embry. I care about them so much they are family to me and I mean it. Later today Embry, Quil, and I were going to hang out so we went to town and watched a movie. After the movie we started getting hungry so we were going to a pizza place but walked there. After walking a couple of blocks through neighborhoods we were walking past one and I had this weird feeling. I heard someone saying 'help me'.

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