Happy Holidays

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Since that incident at the thanksgiving dinner at Emily's, we found out that I'm having twins. So now I am decorating the baby's room. It has white walls for me to paint on later, two white cribs next to each other, a cute rocking chair in the corner by the changing station, then a tall book case holding supplies. I'm excited and so is Embry and the others. Katie and Luke are happy that they are going to be older siblings. Those two have been helping to get ready and now it's close to Christmas. I still need to finish some Christmas shopping while everyone is busy.

"Mommy," I heard Katie yell from down the hall.

"Yes sweetheart," I answered back. I walked from the baby's room that's across from mine and Embry's. I walked down two more doors till I was at Katie's room. She was making some arts and crafts for the family.

"Does this look okay for daddy?" She asked holding up a picture of Embry, me, her, and Luke with our house in the background.

"Yes he will and make sure you put your name on the back with the year. I'm going to go to the store to finish some Christmas shopping." I replied to her.

"Can I come please," she begged with her cute puppy dog face. I smiled at her and nodded. I went and got Luke so he could go to. I'm in some black sweatpants, a comfy green and white long sleeve, and my black coat with white gloves. I got the kids coats, hats, and gloves on then we headed to the car to go to the store.

(Time Skip to Shopping at the Store)
I am currently pushing a cart through the aisles trying to see if anything catches my eye. After ten minutes I found a new makeup kit for Rachel and Kim, I found some tools for the guys for their garage and even tools that got broke in the garage, I am getting Sam a gift card, I got Emily some cooking utensils and appliances (new blender, coffee pot that can make hot chocolate and all sorts, and some handy containers for food) at will help when she cooks for everyone. I got Carly, Tessa, and Sarah some makeup and shoes that they have been asking mom and dad for. I got Seth, Collin, and Brady gift cards that can go to any place. I got Tiffany, Sue, and my mom a spa package.

I got Billy and my dad tickets to go to their favorite football teams game. Now for the Cullens I got Emmett and Jasper tickets for his favorite football teams game, I got Carlisle and Esme a trip to Italy because I know Esme likes Italy. I got Alice and Rosalie some makeup and other beauty products. Now I got Edward and his family a certificate for anything really. Now that's everyone on the list because I got Clare, Luke and Katie their presents weeks ago. We were passing by the toy aisle to go check out when Katie said,

"Mommy look," I turned and saw that she grabbed a stuffed wolf. "She reminds me of you mommy," I smiled at her and saw Luke grab one two.

"Mom this one reminds me of Leah," he said smiling. I looked at the wolf and saw that it actually did look like leah in her wolf form. I looked at the stuffed wolves on the shelf and saw that they all looked like us in our wolf form. I saw that they were having a deal on stuffed animals. I grabbed one of each including another one of the ones Katie and Luke grabbed. I figured I could put these in the presents as well.

"Do you too want those?" They both looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and proceeded to the check out. After when bought the last of Christmas gifts we headed home. Once we got home we wrapped all the presents up and labeled who's was who's. After we were finished we put them in the closet since there were many presents under the Christmas tree for the kids.

Now I'm in the kitchen cooking dinner for the kids, Embry and I. We are having biscuits and gravy and milk. It's my favorite meal. I put the biscuits in the oven and was making the hamburger mixed with the gravy. Once the gravy was done and I pulled out the biscuits the door opened. I heard Embry talking to the kids and heard the kids go upstairs. When I felt Embry's arms go around my swollen belly, it brought a smile to my face.

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