Help From Friends

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It's been two weeks and I'm still blind. My parents came to see me and I heard my mother cry. It broke my heart that to have her see me like this. Luke and Katie came but all they did was stay by me and helped in anyway they could. Katie was trying to give me some food but I still wasn't hungry. I would eat a little a day and be full for the rest of the day.

I felt two bodies lay against my side. I know it's Katie and Luke with Embry on my other side. At least I still have my hearing and sense of smell. I laid my head on my paws wishing that this nightmare would be over. Soon my eyes shut and I fell into another dreamless sleep.

I smelled bacon and I woke up to no Katie or Luke by my side. I nudged where Embry would be next to me but found him gone as well. I got up slowly my legs very wobbly. This would be my first time to stand and walk in weeks. I slowly walked to the door smelling my way around. I felt wood knowing it's the door I nudged it open. If there was talking it stopped the moment the door creaked open. I slowly walked out and sniffed the air.

"Amy what are you doing up?" Embry said with concern. I whispered and followed my nose to the kitchen. I heard the sizzling of bacon and smelled spam. I walked in a bit further accidentally hitting the counter.

"Oh Amy I would have brought your food to you," Esme said motherly. I whined and shook my head no. I walked towards her voice and sat down waiting. "Here," she placed the plate of food down on the floor and I bent down slowly nibbling on the food. For some reason I was really hungry. When I was done I stood up and nudged Esme as a thank you.

I heard birds chirping and listened closely and figured the door must be open. I walked to the door and walked through it onto the porch. I proceeded to walk off the porch and felt my paws touch the forest floor. I heard many pairs of feet so I know everyone has followed me. I raised my head towards where the sky would be and breathed in the air. The fresh air I so dearly missed. My ears flicked back and forth listening to the noises around me.

I felt a presence next to me and smelled the air. It was a vampire but had a mix off flowers kind of. I knew who it was. 'Hey Rose,'

"How did you know it was me?"

'I know everyone's scent. Each has something unique and that's how I'm able to tell.'

"Your so smart but funny." I laughed at her. We sat in silence but i was thinking.

'Rose, I know a way to get my sight back.'

"Really?! How Amy, please tell me."

'We need Alec,'

"Oh hell no Amy, we are not asking him-"

'Rose he is the one who did this, so he can fix it!'

"How did he do this?"

'When you guys tried to interfere he used his ability to make like a barrier to keep you back. But it surrounded me and I got pushed into it when I fought Demetri.'

"Rosalie, what's she saying?" Carlisle asked curiously. I forgot they were there.

"She wants us to have Alec come back and help in getting her sight back." She stated sadly.

'Please Rose,' she looked at me with sad and anger in her eyes. 'Carlisle could you talk to Marcus. If Alec does come, I don't want anyone there besides Carlisle. Cause you'll get angry and then he will never help. Then there's the possibility of another fight which we can't afford.' I mind linked everyone.

"Amy at least let me come," it was Embry and I felt sadness in his voice. All because I didn't want him there. I didn't want him to go because what if this doesn't work.

'Ok only Carlisle and Embry that's it.' It was silent, but Carlisle breaks the silence.

"I will contact Marcus and see what I can do." I nod my head.

(One Week Later)
"Amy, we got a response from Marcus." Carlisle states. Everyone got quiet and he read the response. "Dear Carlisle, I will gladly help your friend. Alec and I will come in two days. Since your friend spared our lives and gave us a choice, I am grateful as of what she did. See you soon."

'Thank goodness.'

"Amy this letter was sent yesterday, meaning they will be here tomorrow at noon." I didn't even bother replying, so I just went back to my room and laid down. I feel like everyone is disappointed at my choice to have Alec and Marcus help. I thought they would be happy but truly it's me that will be happy. I just want this nightmare over. I started to feel sick again, but I don't know why. I have felt like this for a couple of days. Who cares worrying won't do me any good. Soon I fell asleep thinking of how this will go down tomorrow.

"Amy....Amy" I felt something or someone gently pushing my shoulder. I looked to..oh that's right I can't see! But by the voice I knew it was Carlisle. "It's time to go and meet them at the field."

I stood up and walked with Carlisle by my side. He guided me outside and then I felt another presence. Judging by the tingles it's Embry. We started walking through the forest both are one either side of my guiding me. Soon we made it to the big field. I heard a noise off in the distance and new our guests arrived.

"Thank you for coming Marcus, Alec." Carlisle spoke.

"Alec please," Marcus's soft but deep voice spoke. I felt the air shift around me and was surrounded by darkness. The darkness soon faded and I started to see shapes and colors. I blinked my eyes a few times. Carlisle stood in front of me and examined my eyes.

"Shes got her sight back. Thank you" Carlisle stated. I looked at Embry and he came and nudged me. I looked in front of me and saw Alec and Marcus standing about fifteen feet away. I took a step forward and said,

'Thank you Alec, Marcus.' I bowed my head as respect and for helping me.

"No it I who should be thanking you. You gave us a choice resolving into a second chance for the most of us. We are forever in your debt." Marcus gave a curt nod and Alec did as well. 'If you don't mind child, I was wondering if you could tell me what will happen to me in a few years? You said it would make me very happy.' He asked through thought.

I chuckled and replied, 'You would find your mate or singer in your terms. Trust me you will know who in a couple of years when you first see or should I say meet her.' I smiled.

'Thank you, now I will have something worth living for.' He said with a smile. "Let us return Alec and let our friends return to their families." They both turned around and left. I looked at both Carlisle and Embry.

'Let's head home,' and with that we took off. Soon we were back at the house. Everyone was outside waiting and Carlisle said I had my sight back. Alice ushered me upstairs and take a shower. After that she laid out an outfit for me. It consisted of light wash skinny jeans, a black long sleeve, with a dark grey tank top. Once I was done cleaning up I headed downstairs.

When I reached the bottom I was embraced by many people and we talked. I held my babies for the first time in weeks and was so happy. Luke and Katie wouldn't leave my side. I was glad that the nightmare was over and was laughing with everyone.

"Oh Amy," Alice sang in a sing song voice. I looked up and saw Alice, my mom, and Tiffany holding wedding magazines and other stuff for weddings.

"Oh no...right when I thought one nightmare ended, another appeared." I said in a denying tone but with sarcasm and dread in my voice. Everyone burst out laughing at my statement, which in turn, made me smile and join in on the laughing.
Hello fellow readers, I wanted to say thank you for reading and now I'm at 604 reads.
I would like to say thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.
I am sorry to say I have maybe two more chapters then this story comes to an end.
Thanks guys, please vote, comment, share, and/or follow. 💙💜💚

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