Chapter 1 - Starting a Family

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"This is it." Blake Belladonna thought to herself. Today was a big day for her and her wife, Yang Xiao Long. Today was the day, they'd find out if they were going to become parents. As she sat in the hospital waiting room, Blake placed a hand on her stomach and recalled the events that lead her and Yang to this moment.


It had been many years since Team RWBY had saved Remnant from Salem. After helping rebuild the world, Blake and Yang had finally decided to get married. The two moved back to Patch. A house in a quiet part of the woods. Yang was happy to be back home. Blake liked the sound of living somewhere quiet and peaceful. Coincidentally, Ruby and Oscar moved into a nearby home of their own. Both of them not too far away from Ruby and Yang's father, Taiyang Xiao Long.

A few years into their marriage, they had discussed starting a family. Whether or not the two were ready and.... how? Adoption? Find a donor? But one day, news came from the Kingdom of New Atlas about a procedure. One that can help couples, who are otherwise unable to, conceive a child. It was also said that it could allow two women to have a child that is both theirs genetically. Yang felt as though this was their answer, but it brought up more worries. Blake seemed unsure about it. She wasn't against the idea, she actually thought it sounded too good to be true. She just wanted some more information about it. Such as, how exactly does it work? How much would it cost? And most importantly. Would the resulting child be healthy? Fortunately for them they knew someone high up in New Atlas who could shed some light on it, their friend and teammate, Weiss Schnee.

The two payed Weiss a visit to see if she knew anything about the procedure. Weiss was overjoyed to hear that two of her closest friends, two people that she considers family, were planning on having a baby. She covered her mouth with both hands and gasped.

"Really? Aww." Weiss said as she hugged the two of them "I'm so happy for you two."

"Well, Weiss. That's why we came to see you" Yang said as the group broke off from the hug. "We heard about this procedure here in New Atlas that might let me and Blake have a kid together. We were wondering if you knew anything about it?" Weiss had heard of this procedure that Yang was referring to. If something was being developed in New Atlas, there's a good chance that the Schnee family knew about it to some extent.

"Oh that. Of course I know about it." Weiss said. "I should have a file about it around somewhere. Excuse me for just a moment."

Once Weiss had found some files about the procedure, she explained to Blake and Yang how it worked. Answering Blake's questions and calming her worries, or at least some of them. There was still one matter to discuss.

"And that's everything." Weiss said. "Once that's done, one of you will be carrying a baby that's both yours."

"Sounds great to me." Yang said. "Sign us up-"

"Wait." Blake interrupted. "Yang, I love you, and I do want to raise a child with you. But I'm still not sure about this. What if something goes wrong? What if this doesn't work?" She asks with her cat ears folded down and worried expression. Yang took a breath and held her wife's hands.

"Blake. I understand." Yang said. "Truth be told, I don't know if this will work either." Blake was surprised to hear that from Yang, given how enthusiastic she was about it. "But, I want to do this. And if you're still worried, we can see doctors more regularly, to keep a close eye of everything. The thought of a baby that's half you and half me. That's worth taking this chance to me. Just picture that kid." She said while placing a hand on Blake's head, gently gracing one of her cat ears with her thumb. "Your ears...." Blake tried to picture that hypothetical child in her mind. It made her smile. She ran her hand through Yang's blonde hair.

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