Chapter 10 - From Friends, to Family

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After they'd decided to leave the restaurant, Blake and Yang got their sushi feast prepared in multiple bags and were on their way home. While they traveled back to Patch, Yang proposed an idea for when they return home and Blake loved it.

Meanwhile, back at the house. Oscar was close to finishing his work for the night whilst Weiss and Ruby were both taking care of Yin. Unfortunately, Yin needed her diaper changed while Weiss was holding her. So the two decided that Weiss should be the one to change her. However, Weiss didn't quite know how to change a diaper. And Yin flailing and crying wasn't making things easier for her.

"Oh Yin, sweetheart, please stop crying." Weiss begged. "How did this go again? Was left then right, or right then left? And what about the- Ruby?"

"Hey." Ruby said. She leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed. "You told me that you could take care of her all on your own."

"Ruby." Weiss groaned. As if it wasn't bad enough that she couldn't change the diaper. Her goddaughter was crying, and Ruby was just taunting her.

"Weiss, if you want my help, you know what you need to say." Ruby said. Weiss felt a sense of dread. She couldn't change this diaper and it broke her heart to see Yin crying because of it. She didn't have a choice.

"Yin." Weiss said. "I'm only doing this because I love you." She leaned in closer. "But just know what I'm about to say isn't true." She whispered. Weiss turned back to Ruby, who had a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Ruby." Weiss looked back to her crying goddaughter, back to Ruby and took a deep breath. "You're Yin's favourite aunt." Those words leaving her mouth just felt wrong.

"Thank you." Ruby said as she made her way to the changing table. "Aww Yin. Who's a stinky baby?" She said in a higher pitched voice. Weiss watched her change Yin, she was impressed with how well Ruby did it. Flawlessly in fact. "There we go, all better. Now who wants a raspberry?" She asked just before blowing a raspberry on Yin's tummy, which made Yin laugh.

"Ruby, you're a natural with her." Weiss said. "Well, I suppose you're all set if you and Oscar have kids." Ruby turned silent, and Weiss grew concerned. "Ruby?" She asked as Ruby picked up Yin. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ruby said. "It's just, that's part of the reason Oscar and I are here."

"Wait." Weiss said. "Ruby, are you...." It became clear what Weiss was trying to ask.

"No." Ruby interrupted. "No, I'm not. It's just, Oscar's been so busy with Beacon I don't know how to talk to him about it." Ruby explained everything to Weiss. Her desire to be a mom, and her worry for Oscar's workload. Unbeknownst to both Ruby and Weiss, Oscar had finished his call and could hear everything from the next room. He had no idea that Ruby felt this way and his heart felt heavy. "I just hoped that maybe if we took care of Yin together, it might get us talking about it."

"Ruby?" Oscar called while walking into the room. "You want us to have a baby?" He asked.

"Oscar!" Ruby unintentionally shouted in surprise. Yin was shocked by Ruby's sudden shriek and started crying again. Ruby immediately tried to comfort her niece, but to no avail.

"Here, why don't I take her while you two talk." Weiss said as she took Yin from Ruby. "It's okay sweetie. Aunt Ruby didn't mean it." She said walking into the next room, while Yin continued to cry.

"I really didn't." Ruby called. She felt terrible for making Yin cry.

"Ruby. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to have a baby?" Oscar asked.

"I'm sorry. It's just...." Ruby said. "You've been so busy with Beacon. Every night, you come home exhausted. I was worried that if I brought up wanting to have a baby, that it might be too much for you." She took a breath. "And I understand if you're not ready. But, I want to have a baby Oscar." Ruby felt some relief having finally told Oscar about her wish to be a mom. Though now she felt a mix of worry and hope as she wondered how her husband would respond.

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