Chapter 3 - Announcement at the Reunion

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"Alright. Today's the big day. I hope everything goes well." Ruby Rose thought to herself while she paced back and forth inside the headmaster's office at the new Beacon Academy. Since Beacon had been rebuilt, she'd wanted to host a reunion for everyone who was present during the Fall of Beacon, their families and anyone who helped in the battle against Salem. To celebrate Beacon's reopening, the defeat of Salem and honouring all of those that they'd lost along the way. She looked out the window, watching everyone walk towards Beacon from the airships. All while she crossed her arms and tensed up.

"Don't look so nervous." A familiar voice called alongside the tap of a cane. Ruby turned to see her husband, and headmaster of Beacon, Oscar Pine. "Everything's going to be fine." He said as he placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder. She took a deep breath.

"I know." Ruby said as she looked out the window. "It's just- it's been a long time since we've all been together. I just want things to go well."

"And it will." Oscar replied. "Everything is set up, and everyone's coming. It's going to be great day." Ruby turned to him and smiled.

"Yeah." Ruby said. "It will. As long as we're all together, that's all that matters." The two continued to watch everyone approach Beacon, hoping to spot some familiar faces too. For Ruby, it was crazy to think of how long it had been since Beacon fell all those years ago. "To think. We've all come so far." She said. "When we first met, I was just a huntress in training. And you were a fourteen year old farmhand. Now look at us." Oscar took a brief moment to think about everything that brought the two of them to where they are now. He chuckled.

"Who'd have thought." Oscar said. Ruby looked back to her husband briefly. She tensed up again and began to fidget with her fingers. Not noticing the ding of the elevator behind them.

"Yeah. The two of us have come a long way." Ruby said quietly. "And who knows, maybe one day, it could be more than just the two-"

"Ruby! Oscar!" Weiss called as she stepped out of the elevator. The two turned to see her, Ruby smiled and rushed to her friend with open arms.

"Weiss!" Ruby yelled with glee as she and Weiss hugged one another, for the first time in a long while. What made it worse for both of them, Weiss had recently been in Vale, but told Ruby that she was too busy with work to see her. At least, that's what she was told. Weiss hated having to lie to Ruby. She just didn't want to risk letting the surprise slip out. But that didn't matter, because today was the day that would make it all worth it. Once Blake and Yang arrive of course. "It's so good to see you." Ruby said as the two broke off their hug. "How've you been?" She asked.

"I have been splendid. And absolutely ecstatic about today." Weiss said.

"Wow. You're that excited for the reunion?" Ruby asked.

"Well, yes. That too of course." Weiss said. A split second later, she realised she might have said too much already.

"Wait. What do you mean by "that too"?" Ruby asked. She noticed that Weiss suddenly looked nervous.

"Oh nothing. Just-" Weiss said as she tried to think of something to distract Ruby. "You know. Blake and Yang weren't too far behind me. So they should here any moment." Ruby knew Weiss was definitely hiding something now.

"Weiss? What're you hiding?" Ruby asked. But before Weiss could answer, the two heard the ding from the elevator. They turned to see the elevator door open as Blake and Yang walked into the office. Ruby was too excited to see Blake and Yang again, she decided to pry Weiss further another time.

"Hey sis!" Yang said. Ruby was overjoyed to see Blake and Yang after all this time. She soon noticed that Blake's stomach looked a little bigger than the last time she saw her. Oscar realised what was happening and began to smile. Weiss had a smirk on her face due to already knowing. Ruby began to it piece all together.

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