Chapter 8 - Her name is....

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"I'm a mom." Yang said. A brief moment of stunned silence fell upon everyone in the waiting room. Quickly followed by a mix of cheers and everyone saying things like: "Congratulations Yang." "I'm so happy for you both." "Aww that's wonderful." All while everyone hugged the new mother Yang.

"How's Blake?" Kali asked while Yang was hugging Ruby.

"Exhausted. But wonderful now that the baby's here." Yang replied. "Thank you all for coming and staying up this long. It really means a lot to both of us. I can't wait for the baby to meet all her aunts, uncles, godmother and grandparents." Yang noticed that Tai was facing a wall with his face in his hand. She approached her dad while everyone was talking about meeting the baby. "Dad? You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." Tai said as he turned to Yang revealing the tears in his eyes. "It just feels like just yesterday when you were born and I was telling everyone how happy I was about becoming a dad. And now here you are, just having a kid of your own." He placed a hand on Yang's shoulder. "I couldn't be happier for you." The father and daughter shared a hug.

"Thanks dad." Yang said. "So. You wanna meet your granddaughter?" She asked.

"I'd love to." Tai replied. Yang turned to everyone else.

"Everyone." Yang said. "Let's go meet the baby." Yang led the group to her's and Blake's room, with everyone excited to meet the baby.

Yang opened the door to her's and Blake's room, after having led everyone there. Upon entering, everyone saw Blake sat on the hospital bed with the newborn baby girl resting gently in her arms. Yang sat on the bed beside her wife while everyone else all gathered around the bed, in awe at the sight of Blake and Yang's daughter.

"She's beautiful." Ruby said as tears began to fill her eyes with happiness over seeing her niece.

"Ghira. Our granddaughter, she's perfect." Kali said as she and Ghira hugged.

"Hello there." Weiss said to her goddaughter. "I'm your godmother Weiss and I am going to spoil you rotten. Yes I am." Of course while everyone else was in awe at the sight of the baby, talking about how adorable she is, some thoughts popped into Ruby's head in particular while she watched Blake and Yang holding their baby. Most of them were Yang being an embarrassing big sister or any time she created a scene at a nightclub. Others were Blake, not at her best.

"Wow." Ruby thought to herself. "Those two are someone's moms now." However, one question remained on everyone's minds.

"So have you two picked a name yet?" Tai asked.

"No not yet, unfortunately." Yang replied. "We've had some trouble finding a name that we both really like. I mean, I had one a while back but Blake rejected it."

"Wait. What was that name again?" Blake thought as she looked at her daughter. "Oh yeah, it was- wait a minute." As Yang continues to tell the group about her and Blake not deciding on a name.

"So we're open to suggestions-" Yang said.

"Yang wait!" Blake interrupted. Yang was curious as what Blake was thinking, as she took one more look at their daughter. Analysing her carefully and ultimately realising what her name should be. "That name you had." Blake said. "That's it."

"Are you sure?" Yang gasped. "You wanna go with that name?" Blake nodded.

"Look at her." Blake said. "That's her name." Yang took one more look at their daughter. It didn't take long for her to realise that Blake was right, that it was her name. But one more idea came to her mind.

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