Chapter 5 - Baby Shower

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Blake was nearly eight months into her pregnancy. Everything was going well, both she and the baby were completely healthy. She and Yang had been through all the baby books they'd bought multiple times and had attended Lamaze classes together. With all the baby preparation that they were doing, Blake and Yang were delighted that Ruby invited the two to her and Oscar's place for a barbecue lunch. On one of the few days that Oscar wasn't busy at Beacon.

Once Blake and Yang had arrived, the door opened and they were greeted by their hosts. After a brief exchange, Ruby and Oscar guided them through the house to their backyard. As the two entered Ruby and Oscar's house, Blake and Yang could already smell what was awaiting them. The smell of all the food on the barbecue was intoxicating to them. However, as Ruby escorted them outside, they were greeted by an unexpected sight. The yard was filled with everyone they knew. All their friends and their parents. There were balloons, other baby themed decorations, a table filled with presents consisting of various shapes and sizes and next to that table was a recliner chair with knitted quilt across the head that read "Mommy".

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. "BABY SHOWER!" Both had their hands over their mouths. They weren't expecting to see all their friends and family together in one place together.

"Oh wow!" Yang said. "Everyone's here- Aww, Ruby thank you." She hugged her sister.

"Aww, this is amazing Ruby. Thank you." Blake said. "And thank you everyone for coming." Ruby broke from her hug with Yang and took Blake's hand.

"Here, Blake." Ruby said as she held Blake's hand and lead her towards the recliner. "You, sit right here, relax, and enjoy your Baby Shower." Ruby patted the chair a couple of times. Blake sat in the chair, leaned back, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank you Ruby." Blake said.

"Oh it's nothing." Ruby replied. "And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Whatever you need." Blake smiled. Suddenly she felt a kick and gasped.

"Oh, the baby's kicking!" Blake said. "You wanna feel?"

"Yeah, absolutely." Ruby replied as she placed a hand on Blake's baby bump. She turned wide eyed as she felt a kick from her unborn niece, a hard one at that. "Oh wow." Ruby exclaimed. "That was a hard kick too."

"Yeah, she's been kicking harder lately." Blake replied. "Guess she's already taking after Yang."

"Aww. Like mother like daughter." Ruby said. With Blake and Yang there, the party was officially underway.

An hour into the baby shower, a late guest had finally arrived.

"Blake! Yang!" Called a familiar voice. The two turned to see Ilia approaching them. Both welcomed her with a hug.

"Ilia. It's so great to see you." Blake said.

"Sorry we're a little late." Ilia said. Which confused Blake and Yang.

"Wait. We?" Blake asked and Ilia quickly remembered that the couple don't know her news yet.

"Oh I never told you. I've been seeing someone." Ilia said as Yang gasped. Blake was shocked too, but kept herself a lot calmer about the whole thing than her wife.

"Who? Is it someone we know? Is she here too? Where?" Yang begs Ilia to tell them who, engage in a little gossip perhaps.

"Well, actually-" Ilia said.

"Hey honey." Another familiar voice called, this time to Ilia. Blake and Yang turned to see them being approached by Coco Adel. Who placed an arm around Ilia and gave her a kiss on the cheek. This revelation got Yang even more excited.

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