Final Chapter - Yin's Semblance!?

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Today was a chaotic day for the Belladonna/Xiao Long family. Though the mood was a little tense for Blake and Yin in particular. Sitting in a doctor's office awaiting some test results.

Earlier that day

After hearing so many stories of Blake and Yang's huntress missions, seeing them spar together, and Blake having previously unlocked her aura for her with a chant. Yin wanted to be more like her mothers. She wanted to fight just like them. She snuck into the kitchen, reached into a draw and pulled out a knife. A long knife that she imagined was a sword, similar to Blake's Gambol Shroud. She tried to replicate moves from each of them to best of her memory. Throwing a punch just like Yang, swinging the knife much like her Blake would swing her sword. While making all manner of fight noises to herself, like the ones she heard in TV shows. Just as she tried to replicate a move, in which she would spin the blade around herself, she felt a sudden pain in her side. The pain she felt rapidly began to grow more intense, when she looked down to see the knife had pierced deep into her side. She started to panic and pulled the knife out, which only made it even worse. The pain she was feeling and all the blood spilling onto the kitchen floor. Tears began to fill Yin's eyes.

"MOMMY!" Yin cried. Blake burst into the kitchen without a moments hesitation, and shrieked once she saw the site of her crying daughter with blood on her hand, her clothes and a knife on the floor with a three inch long stain.

"YANG!" Blake called. "Get the first aid kit and call an ambulance! Hurry!" She rushed to Yin's side and tried to comfort her the best she could. "It's okay Yin. It's okay. I'm here. I'm going to get you fixed up." She said while trying to apply pressure to Yin's side to stop anymore bleeding. Blake did her best to reassure her daughter, trying to put on a brave face. But behind it all, she was terrified. For her daughter's safety and that this injury gave her flashbacks to when she was stabbed during the Fall of Beacon. She tried her best not to think about that. Yin was crying, bleeding and needed her. "You're going to be fine. I promise. You're going to be fine." Yang soon hurried into the kitchen, with a first aid kit in hand and her scroll at the ready. Horrified by the site herself. But she couldn't dwell on it for long.

"Here." Yang said handing Blake the first aid kit and starting dialling with haste. "Don't worry Yin. Everything will be okay." She said while trying to hide the fact that she was panicking. Blake quickly opened the kit and grabbed what she needed.

"Alright Yin, let's see." Blake said as she lifted Yin's shirt to get a good look at the wound. But, her look of fear for her daughter's safety turned to confusion. Yin's wound, where she was bleeding from, was gone. It was almost as if it wasn't there to begin with. "What? How did-?" She questioned to herself. "Yang? Have a look at this." Yang was ready to hit call on her scroll. But once she saw the wound wasn't there, she wasn't sure what to do.

"What the?" Yang asked. "What happened?" Yin even noticed that she wasn't feeling the pain from her wound anymore and stopped crying. Though she was confused, neither of her two mothers had a clear answer as to why. It couldn't have been Yin's aura that did it. It wasn't developed enough yet, and the wound was too deep for her aura to fix it that quickly. They each had a hunch but wanted to be sure. After telling Yin to change out of a blood soaked shirt, the two put her in the car and headed for the hospital. Just to be safe.


After arriving at the hospital, Yin had been through a few routine checkups. She and Blake sat in an office awaiting to hear the results. But something else had Yin worried.

"Mom?" Yin asked. "Is something wrong with me?"

"No." Blake answered. "We're just making sure we know exactly what's happened." The tone at which she said that made Yin feel anxious. During the trip to the hospital and their entire time there, Blake didn't say much. In fact after Yin's tests, she seemed a little on edge.

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