Chapter 6 - Yang's Fear

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Now was a tense time for Yang. Blake's due date was fast approaching, the baby could arrive any day now. Meanwhile Yang wasn't sleeping too well. She'd been trying not to doze off just in case Blake went into labour during the night. She wasn't even going out on missions so that she could be around for her wife and unborn child.

Yang opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by a thick fog. She wasn't sure what was happening. She looked around but couldn't see anything aside from the fog. Suddenly she heard a voice, a familiar at that. It was Blake, it sounded as though she was in a lot of pain. Some of the fog cleared and Yang could see the sight of Blake on a hospital bed.

"She's in labour and about to have the baby." Yang thought. As more of the fog cleared, Yang saw that Ruby and Weiss were by Blake's side.

"Blake, we can't afford to wait any longer." A voice calls out.

"No! Not yet!" Blake cried. "Yang's not here!" Yang started running towards her wife.

"Blake! I'm right here!" She shouted. But Blake and the others didn't seem to notice her. To make matters worse, as she moved forward, the scene of Blake started to move further away from her. Yang began to run faster. "BLAKE! HANG ON!" She shouted.

"I'm so sorry Blake." Weiss said.

"What? What is Weiss talking about? What is there to be sorry for?" Yang asked herself as she ran.

"Blake. Yang's not coming." Ruby said.

"No.... NO-NO-NO-NO-NO!" Yang panicked as her run turned into a sprint. "BLAKE! I'M COMING!" But Blake STILL didn't notice. The more Yang tried to reach her wife, the faster the scene seemed to move away from her. It became hard to see her.

"YANG! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Blake cried out.

"BLAAAAAAAAKE!" Yang called to her, but to no avail. Blake and everyone else disappeared into the fog, the last thing Yang could hear was Blake crying out in agony from the labour pains.

Yang's eyes shot open and she sprung up from her bed, shocked and in a cold sweat. She breathed heavily and looked around to see that she was in her's and Blake's bedroom. She breathed a massive sigh of relief to realise that was just a horrible nightmare. While Yang tried to calm herself down, she glanced to the other side of the bed to see that Blake wasn't there. Still a little bit shaken, Yang started to panic.

"Blake!?" She yelled as she ran out of the room, through the hallway and down the stairs. "Blake!?"

"Yang?" Blake called from the kitchen. Yang rushed in to see her wife sat at the table with some tea and breakfast prepared. "Are you okay?" Blake asked but is interrupted by Yang hugging her. "Woah, Yang. Are you alright- Oh." Yang pulled back to see that Blake had a very surprised expression on her face and had her hands on her stomach.

"Am I alright? Forget me. Are you alright? Is the baby coming?" Yang asked.

"No. The baby isn't coming yet." Blake replied. "She just started kicking like crazy. Almost like something was upsetting her." Blake looked into Yang's eyes. It was more than obvious that she wasn't well. She placed a hand on Yang's cheek. "I think even she knows her mom isn't okay." Yang took a deep breath and sat down next to her wife.

"I'm sorry Blake." Yang said. "I just.... I had a nightmare that you were in labour and I wasn't there. Ruby and Weiss were even telling you that I wasn't going to be there and it just really freaked me out. I'm still a little shaken up from it." Blake held Yang's hand and gently stroked it with her thumb while she talked about her dream. "I've just been so focused on being around, making sure you and the baby are okay." Blake soon began to find this a little familiar. It reminded her of when she and Yang were back at Beacon, during the time where she was overworking herself.

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