Chapter 12 - Yin's 1st Birthday

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It had been a year since Yin was born. During that time she had taken her first steps and spoken her first words, which was 'mama'. To celebrate, Blake and Yang had invited their friends and family to their house for Yin's first birthday party. Ghira & Kali came all the way from Menagerie. Weiss traveled from New Atlas. Ren & Nora with baby Pyrrha, arrived with Jaune from Mistral. Tai came along with Ruby & Oscar. Though once she saw Ruby, Blake couldn't shake a weird feeling she had. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something seemed different about Ruby. Not in terms of appearance or attitude, she just seemed to give off some kind of new aura. But she'd have time to wonder about that later. Today was all about Yin.

Everyone was gathered around the dinner table and Yang brought Yin downstairs.

"Everyone." Yang called as she entered the room with her daughter in her arms. "Here's the birthday girl." While everyone awwed and said hello to Yin, Yang placed her in her high chair at the end of the table, with presents laid in front of her.

"Aww, she's grown so much." Kali said. "I can't believe she's already one." It was a little hard for Blake to believe that too. To think it had already been a year after Yin was born. Since then, her hair had grown. Black with blonde highlights, a blonde cowlick, her cat ears had black fur and blonde fur on the tip of her right cat ear.

"She already looks so much like you both." Ghira said.

"Mama." Yin said. "Mama." She pointed towards the presents in front of her.

"That's right sweetie." Blake said as she knelt down to be eye level with her daughter. "Those are all for you. Because it's your birthday."

"Yep. A day that's all about you." Tai said. Everyone made a fuss over Yin. But she starting mewing and kept reaching for the presents.

"Aww. She wants to open her gifts already." Nora said.

"Well, let's not keep her waiting any longer." Oscar said.

"Alright Yin. Let's start opening presents." Yang said.

"Oh start with mine please." Weiss insisted. "It's this big one." She said as she slid a large present across the table towards Yin and her mothers.

"Oh. Umm, sorry guys. I need to excuse myself for a sec." Ruby said as she stood up and quickly tried to make her way out of the room.

"You okay sis?" Yang asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Ruby replied quickly. "Start without me, I'll be right back." She hurried out of the room and made her way upstairs. Everyone was confused but they didn't think about it for too long. Assuming that Ruby must've just been desperate to use the bathroom. With the word to start without her, Blake unwrapped Weiss' gift. One more tear of the wrapping paper, she and Yang could see what Weiss had brought for Yin. It was the newest video game console. Yang's eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky. She'd been trying to one of those since it's release, but they were hard to come by.

"Wow, Weiss." Blake said. "This is really thoughtful but, is this really appropriate for a one year old-"

"Thank you so much for this gift Weiss." Yang interrupted while she wrapped an arm around the box. "Aww, Yin's gonna love playing all kinds of games on this."

"Yeah, YIN, will love playing it." Blake said with a snarky tone.

"I'm gonna play it with her when she's old enough." Yang whispered. "Some nice mother daughter game time." Blake rolled her eyes in response, but with a smile. Yang could be a little immature at times, but it was one of the things Blake loved about her. And, she couldn't deny. The thought of Yin and Yang playing video games together was rather cute. Perhaps maybe the three of them could have family video game nights when she and Yang are both home from missions. While Yang started opening another present, Blake could hear something thanks to her cat ears. Something upstairs.

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