Chapter 11 - Do You Believe in Destiny?

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"Hope we're not too late." Each of Team RWBY thought to themselves as they rushed through the streets of Argus, running to the hospital. They all had received a call from their friend Jaune that Nora had gone into labour, and made their way to this city as soon as they could. Jaune, Ren and Nora were visiting the statue of their lost friend and teammate, Pyrrha Nikos. The three would visit the statue every now and then as a way to tell her how everyone had been, and tell her what was new. During their visit to Pyrrha, Nora's water broke. After they got the call, Blake and Yang left Yin in the care of her grandfather Tai. Unfortunately Oscar had to stay behind to take care of some Beacon business. Ruby promised to take plenty of pictures for him though. And the three met up with Weiss along the way.

The four of them finally arrived to the hospital and hurried to the maternity ward. Yang swung the double doors to the waiting room open, they were greeted by Jaune and Ren in hospital scrubs.

"Ren!" Yang shouted. "Is Nora okay?"

"Oh good you all made it." Ren said. Team RWBY took a moment to catch their breath. "I just came to tell Jaune that the baby's here." Everyone gasped and the room filled with words of congratulations to the new dad.

"How's Nora?" Blake asked.

"Tired." Ren said. "But she's going to so happy that you guys are here."

"And the baby?" Weiss asked.

"The baby's fine" Ren replied. "Perfectly heathy." Everyone awwed. But there was a question that had been weighing on their minds throughout Nora's pregnancy.

"So...." Ruby said. "Is it a boy or a girl?" She asked. Ren and Nora decided to not find out the sex of their baby. Choosing instead to be surprised when their child was born. Everyone thought that was sweet, but they couldn't deny that they were at least a little curious.

"It's a girl" Ren said and everyone awwed once more

"Have you decided on a name yet?" Blake asked.

"Actually, yeah." Ren said. "But, we wanted to share that with you together. I can't wait for her meet all her aunts." Ren turned to Jaune, placing a hand on his shoulder. "And her godfather." Jaune gasped.

"Really?" Jaune asked. Ren and Nora never said who they planned on naming their child's godparent. So Jaune was astounded.

"Of course Jaune." Ren said. Jaune smiled and pulled Ren in for a hug. With that, Ren escorted everyone to his and Nora's room to meet their baby.

Ren opened the door to his and Nora's room and everyone stepped inside to see Nora holding the baby. They gathered around the bed while Ren sat next to his wife.

"Aww, she's beautiful you guys." Ruby said.

"Nora, she looks just like you." Yang said.

"Congratulations you two." Blake said. "We need to arrange a play date with her and Yin some day."

"She's so cute." Weiss said.

"Ren, Nora, she's perfect." Jaune said.

"Thanks guys." Nora said. While everyone commented on how cute the baby is, and congratulated Ren and Nora. Weiss wanted to ask the question that was on all their minds.

"So. What have you decided to name her?" Weiss asked. Ren and Nora nodded to one another.

"Well. There's actually a funny story to that." Nora said.

Many hours earlier

Nora's water had just broken in the middle of her, Ren and Jaune's visit to Pyrrha's statue. Ren stayed by her side, the two sat on a bench while Jaune made some calls with his scroll.

"Everything's going to be alright Nora." Ren said. "Jaune's calling us a cab to the hospital, and he'll call everyone so they'll be here as soon as possible." Nora took a couple of breaths before responding.

"That's great." Nora said. She quickly thought about where they were and it gave her an idea. "You know Ren. I think I have the perfect name for our baby." Ren was taken aback by this.

"N-Nora is now really a good time for that?" Ren asked.

"Maybe not." Nora said. "But, this could distract me from the labour pains-" She tightened her grip on her husband's hand and moaned. Having a contraction mid sentence. She breathed in and out quickly. She spoke again in between breaths. "Plus, this name is too perfect." Nora soon let out a sigh of the relief, as her contraction was over. While Ren did think now wasn't the time, he knew he needed to be there for his wife. And if talking about a name for their child would help her, he knew it was a good idea.

"What is it?" Ren asked. "What's the name?"

"Well. If it's a girl...." Nora said as she beckoned Ren to lean in closer to her. Once he did, she whispered the name into his ear. He gasped, then smiled.

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Ren said. "If it's a girl of course."

"Of course." Nora said. "But if she is. It's almost like, destiny. Don't you think?"


"You decided that while I was getting a cab?" Jaune asked. Nora nodded.

"So, what's the name?" Weiss asked as everyone waited with bated breath.

"We've decided to name her after Pyrrha." Nora said. Everyone gasped and awwed in response.

"We all loved Pyrrha so much." Ren said. "And miss her every day-" He tried to continue but became too choked up to speak.

"We thought this would be a nice way to carry on her spirit." Nora continued. "And, since I went into labour in front of her statue, it felt like it was meant to be." Nora started to tear up as well.

"That's a wonderful idea." Blake said. "I think she would have loved that."

"She would have." Weiss said trying not to cry.

"So." Nora said. "This is Pyrrha Valkyrie."

"Aww, hi Pyrrha." Everyone said softly to the baby.

"Hey, umm, guys?" Jaune asked Ren and Nora. "C-Can I hold her for a sec?"

"Yeah of course Jaune." Ren replied. Nora gently handed Pyrrha to Ren, who brought her to her godfather. Jaune held the baby while she mewed.

"H-hi there. Little Pyrrha." Jaune said while doing everything he could to hold back his tears. So many thoughts went through his head. That he wished Pyrrha were still here, meeting the baby with them. How she would've been an incredible aunt. All the while, baby Pyrrha opened her aqua coloured eyes. Jaune closed his eyes for a moment to push back forming tears. He didn't want Pyrrha to see him cry. He wanted to be the kind of godfather she would see as a brave, strong hero. The kind of hero he always wanted to be. That his family were before him. The kind that her Aunt Pyrrha was. Jaune opened his eyes and made a promise to himself. A promise that he would be a godparent that baby Pyrrha could look up to. And he'd make sure his goddaughter would live a full and happy life. "Welcome to the family."

Next - Chapter 12 - Yin's 1st Birthday 

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