Chapter 13 - Yin at Schnee Manor

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Yin ran through the corridors of Schnee Manor as fast as she could. The six year old cat faunus couldn't believe what was happening. She thought her Aunt Weiss loved her, but to think she'd put Yin through such unspeakable torment.

"Gotta hide. Gotta hide." Yin said to herself, panting heavily. She was out of Weiss' sight, so now was her chance to hide. She ran into the next bedroom she saw, and quickly shut the door behind her. She scanned the room for a hiding place. "Behind the curtains? No." She thought to herself. "In the closest? No." Her cat ears perked at the sound of the corridor door opening. She gasped as she heard the step of Weiss' heels echoing just outside. Her time was short, she had to pick somewhere now. "Under the bed!" She quickly crawled under the bed and tried the calm down to slow her breathing. The door flew open, Yin put both hands over her mouth so she wouldn't gasp. She could see Weiss' feet walking around the room. Checking the hiding places that Yin had previously considered. "Please don't come this way." Yin thought to herself. Her cat ears perked up again and she grew hopeful, hearing Weiss sigh in frustration. She walked out of sight and towards the door. Yin took a quiet breath of relief. It seemed she had escaped the horror that she was being subjected to. Suddenly, she felt something grab her ankle and before she knew it, she was being dragged from underneath the bed. "No!" She screamed. Yin tried to grab anything and everything she could, but it was no use. As she was being dragged out of the bedroom, Yin looked over her shoulder to see that Weiss had gotten her. "No! Aunt Weiss! Please!" She begged while trying to claw at the floor. Weiss didn't say anything. She just dragged Yin to her coming nightmare. Yin wanted to call out for her mothers, but she knew it would be pointless to try. They wouldn't come.

"Yin." Weiss said. Yin looked over to shoulder in terror. Weiss had brought her to what she had always feared.

"Please Aunt Weiss!" Yin pleaded with tear filled eyes. "Don't do this! I'll do anything!"

"I'm sorry Yin." Weiss said as she reached for the door knob. Beyond this door was Yin's terrifying fate. "It's time."

"Nooooo!" Yin screamed.

Weiss opened the bathroom door.

"Young lady." Weiss said. "It's time for your bath."

"No!" Yin yelled as she hugged the doorframe as tight as she could with her eyes shut. Weiss sighed. Blake and Yang warned her that Yin hated baths. But she had no idea it was to this extent. She knelt down to be eye level with her goddaughter.

"Yin, sweetie." Weiss said as she placed a hand on Yin's shoulder. "I know you don't like taking baths. But this one is nice." Yin opened her eyes and turned her head towards Weiss. "The bathroom has a speaker system to play soothing music. There's an assortment of bubble baths and bath salts. And there's even a jacuzzi function in the tub. Sounds nice doesn't it?"

"No!" Yin shouted as she turned away and shut her eyes again. "All baths are awful and I hate them!"

"How do Blake and Yang do this?" Weiss thought to herself while she sighed and pitched the top of her nose between her eyes. She thought back to when they dropped Yin off that morning.

Hours earlier

Today was a big day for Weiss. She'd spent the previous day and early hours of the morning getting everything ready. Ready for when Blake and Yang would arrive with Yin. The two were heading out on a mission together. Normally only one of them would go, while the other stayed home to look after Yin. But if the mission required both of them, like this one, they would leave Yin in the care of someone close to them. Ever since Yin was born, Weiss wanted to help take care of her while Blake and Yang were away. But, more often than not, she would be left with her grandfather Tai, or her Aunt Ruby & Uncle Oscar. Which of course, always made sense because they lived so close. And at least while staying at Ruby & Oscar's, she'd be able to play with her cousin Summer Rose. Not only that, but Ruby and Oscar had recently gotten chickens at their house. Which both Summer and Yin loved. Even Pyrrha enjoyed taking care of them when she was there with them. However, Weiss still wanted to be there for Yin and spend some time with her. After all, she was Yin's godmother, she should be able to spend some quality time with her every now and then. After some discussion, Blake and Yang agreed to let Weiss look after Yin the next time they went on a mission together. And Weiss was so happy that the day had finally come.

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