Chapter 4 - Yang's Mission Story

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It had been a quiet time for Blake. She was six months pregnant and alone in the house. Yang was away on a mission in Mistral, but was due back today. Blake decided to use her last day alone to catch up on some reading. She read the newest instalment of her favourite book series, a few baby books about pregnancy and early child care. Even a couple of child friendly books, which she read out loud for her unborn child.

That evening, one of Blake's cat ears twitched when she heard something at the front door of the house. The sound of metal clicking as a key was being turned in the lock.

"I'm home!" Yang called out as she swung the door open and dropped her bag on to the floor. Blake smiled and greeted her with open arms.

"Welcome home." Blake said as she hugged her wife for a first time in so long.

"How have my girls been without me?" Yang asked as she placed a hand on Blake's stomach.

"We've both been good." Blake replied. "Enjoyed some peace and quiet, but missed you all the same." The two wives kissed after spending so much time apart.

"I missed you both too." Yang said.

After their reunion, Blake and Yang retreated to the living room. Yang let out a long sigh as she sat down on the couch. She was so glad to be home. Yang looked at the table in front of her and spotted one of the books Blake had been reading while she was away. A thin book that was mostly pictures.

"A kids book?" Yang asked as she picked up the book. "When did you start reading these?"

"I started recently." Blake replied. "I've been reading it to the baby."

"Really?" Yang asked.

"Yeah. I read in the baby books that she should be able to hear sounds." Blake said as she sat on the couch next to her wife. "And I thought it'd be a good idea, so that she'll recognise my voice."

"Oh that's cool." Yang said. "I should be doing that too." An idea came to her. "Oh. Why don't I tell you, and the baby, about my mission? Give her a story about her mom being a strong hero." She said while flexing one of her arms.

"Aww. That's a great idea." Blake said. "But. Try to keep it as 'family friendly' as you can." Yang nodded. She sat on the floor, to position herself and have her head next to Blake's baby bump.

"Umm. Hello, baby." Yang said. "This is your other mommy speaking. And I have a story for you. About a hero, your mommy, fighting a giant monster and saving people."

Yang's Mission

Yang had been venturing through the forests of Mistral for days. Riding her motorcycle, Bumblebee Mk II, searching for a Geist that had be terrorising nearby villages. She arrived at its last known location, dismounted from her bike and began searching on foot.

About an hour had past. Yang kept her wits sharp, scanning each tree that she past for the Geist's mask. But, frustratingly, there was no sign of it. For all Yang knew, if she couldn't find it, it was attacking another village. She let out a sigh and set her eyes on a boulder in a clearing not too far away. It looked like a good place to sit down for a while. As she walked towards the bolder, Yang pulled out her scroll to check a map of her surrounding area. She added cross markers to the spots that she'd checked, but hadn't found the Grimm.

Once she'd reached the bolder and sat down, Yang decided to look at some photos on her scroll. Particularly, a photo of her with her arms wrapped around Blake and her hands on Blake's baby bump. She smiled at the photo. The thought of going home to her wife and unborn child restored her motivation to find the Geist. However, this moment was short lived. The boulder she was sitting on started shaking, and seemed to be elevating. Yang leapt off of the boulder, rolled on the ground and readied Ember Celica. The ground shook, more rocks shot from beneath her and joined with the boulder. All the rocks formed arms, legs and extra limbs. The boulder in the centre turned around and Yang saw the Geist's mask. This was the Grimm she'd been looking for, and it had taken the form of a Petra Gigas. The Gigas set its sights on Yang and raised one of it's rock arms. It's arm smashed into the ground, Yang only just managed to get out of the way. She fired a few shots from Ember Celica, but the Petra Gigas blocked them with it's other arm. Yang saw an opening and leaped onto the Grimm's arm. She punched it several times, but to no avail and was thrown to the ground. Yang was quick to pick herself up, however she was met with the Petra Gigas' arm about to crash down on her. She dodged to the right and just barely avoided the attack. It tried to strike with it's other arm, but Yang was able to dodge that attack too. Both arms were on the ground, this was her chance. Yang leaped to the Grimm's head, it couldn't block her this time. However, Yang was met with a headbutt from the boulder torso of the Petra Gigas. She was dazed and before she could react, one of the Grimm's rock arms smashed her with full force. Like it was swatting a bug. Yang was sent flying, through several trees before finally coming to stop on the last one. She panted and looked up to see all the trees that she'd been sent through collapsing to the ground. In the distance, the Petra Gigas was rampaging towards her. As the Grimm got closer and closer, everything in Yang's vision went blurry. The sound of the Petra Gigas crushing each fallen tree with every step got louder by the second. Before Yang knew it, the Petra Gigas was right in front of her with it's arm raised, ready to deliver the final strike. As it came down, everything in Yang's eyes and mind went white.

All she could see in this white void, was an image of Blake turning around towards her and smiling. But in her arms, was a toddler. A girl with cat ears, a mix of black and blonde hair. She had her eyes closed, the biggest smile on her face and her arms stretched out towards Yang. She faintly heard this child say "Mommy!"

The Petra Gigas' arm came down, smashed into the ground and made a crater. The shockwave from the impact shook the surrounding bushes and trees. But before long, the Petra Gigas' arm began to seemingly lift against its will. Beneath it seemed to be burning fire, it was Yang. She'd caught the Petra Gigas' arm with her robot arm and lifted it to free herself. Her eyes opened and they were red. Try as the giant Grimm might, it couldn't pull it's arm away from the huntress' grip. Yang pumped Ember Celica and let out a primal scream. She punched the Petra Gigas' arm and the rock shattered like mere glass. The Grimm stumbled back as Yang stood before it, still ablaze. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Yang growled and readied her stance. She positioned both Ember Celica and her robot arm behind her. Yang rocketed to the Petra Gigas and tackled it, dragging it across the ground with every punch. One by one, each of it's limbs were blasted off before all that remained was the torso and head. The Petra Gigas skidded to a halt and Yang leaped upwards. The Grimm took this opportunity to try and form a new body and fight back. It reached for the many of the fallen trees for new limbs. Up in the sky above it, there was a twinkle. It was Yang, rocketing to the ground with her fist ready to deal the final blow. The Petra Gigas quickly formed a new arm and tried to strike back. The two clashed and the Gigas' tree arm exploded as Yang punched through it and struck the Geist in its face. The large fiery explosion formed a crater in the ground and shook the surrounding forest.

The smoked cleared, in the crater were pieces of rock and tree scattered around. And in the centre was Yang with her fist in the ground, beneath her was what remained of the Geist as it evaporated. With the battle finally over, Yang fell back and deactivated her semblance. She looked up into the sky and breathed heavily.

"Looks like that Grimm didn't stand a GHOST, of a chance." Yang laughed to herself.


"With the monster slain, mommy went back to the village" Yang said to Blake's stomach. "The villager's threw her a big party and thanked her for defeating the Grimm. But the best part of mommy's journey. Was coming home to you and mom-"

Blake and Yang both gasped after they felt something from Blake's stomach during the story. Yang pulled back out of shock. "Was that a-" Yang tried to ask.

"Yeah. It was." Blake interrupted.

"Has she done that before?" Yang asked.

"No. No that was the first time." Blake said. "She's kicking." The two wives smiled. Yang didn't hesitate and placed both hands on Blake's stomach to feel their baby kicking. "Oh wow, she's kicking so much. She must've liked your story."

"Well. There're more where that came from." Yang said. "I'll tell you all kinds of stories. About both your moms and how amazing they are." Yang looked up to Blake. "Especially the one who's carrying you." Blake looked back to Yang with a soft smile. She looked down to her stomach again.

"We both have so many stories for you." Blake said to their unborn baby, feeling her kick all the while. Though another feeling began to overwhelm her. "Umm. Yang." Blake said. "Not to ruin the moment, but I'm getting a craving." Yang didn't hesitate and was on her feet.

"Say no more. What do you need?" Yang asked. Blake wasn't too happy with what her pregnancy craving was.

".... Pickles." Blake reluctantly answered. She'd hated pickles for as long as she could remember. Not just the taste, but even the sight of them. But now she felt an irresistible urge to eat some.

"Sure. I'll head to the store and get some for you." Yang said with a very quiet chuckled and grabbed her keys.

"I can't wait for this to be over." Blake sighed. Yang quickly returned to her side and place a hand back on Blake stomach.

"Me neither." Yang said. "And hey, it'll be over before you know it." Blake smiled and chuckled. "I'll be back soon." Yang told her wife.

"Thank you." Blake said. She placed a hand back on her stomach. "We'll be here waiting. See you later." The two kissed just before Yang left. Alone again, Blake looked down to her stomach. "Not much longer now." She said. Blake was only three months away from her due date. The baby would be here before she or Yang knew it, and they'd be mothers. Just three more months to go and she'll have her daughter in her arms. And never have to even see another pickle again.

Next - Chapter 5 - Baby Shower

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