Chapter 9 - The Promise

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It had been 3 months since Yin was born. Blake & Yang loved being moms. Well, maybe not all the crying, the mess, the sleepless nights, or any time they tried to give Yin a bath. She really hated those. Nevertheless, they were beyond happy. Yin was the single most precious, and adorable, part of their lives.

After giving Yin a bath, Yang had finally gotten her to stop crying and go to sleep. She spent some time watching Yin sleep before joining Blake downstairs in the living room.

"Finally got her to go to sleep?" Blake asked as Yang sat next to her on the couch.

"Yeah, at last." Yang replied letting out a sigh of relief. "She's a nightmare during bath time, but she's so cute when she's asleep."

"She is." Blake chuckled. "I'll get her when she wakes up."

"Thanks." Yang said. She leaned in closer to her wife. "Shift change." She gave Blake a soft kiss on the cheek. "So. What day and time do you want me to book the table?" Yang asked as she got up off of the couch and made her way towards the kitchen.

"Wait. What are talking about?" Blake asked. She pondered in her head as to what her wife was referring to. What was Yang talking about? Book a table? For what? It wasn't their anniversary. Neither of their birthdays were coming up. Yang stopped and looked confused. There was an awkward pause between the two.

"Wait. Have you forgotten?" Yang asked.

"Forgotten what?" Blake asked. "Yang. What are you talking about?" Yang took her wife's hand and held it gently.

"Remember when we found out we were going to have Yin?" Yang asked. "You were disappointed about something and I promised to do something for you after she was born?" A moment later, it came back to Blake.

"Hey. How about this? After the baby's born, I promise I'll take you there then. And you can have all the sushi you could want. Sound good?"

"It's a date."

"The sushi dinner." Blake said and Yang nodded. "I completely forgot about that." Over the months, Blake had been so focused on her pregnancy and taking care of Yin, the sushi feast that Yang had promised her a year ago had slipped her mind. She felt bad for forgetting, but Yang simply laughed.

"So what do you say?" Yang asked. "Romantic sushi dinner at your favourite restaurant, just the two of us?"

"I'd love to. But, what about Yin?" Blake asked. "Who's gonna take care of her?" Yang already had someone in mind, or rather two people. Ruby & Oscar. She called her sister later that evening about babysitting, and Ruby eagerly agreed. With that settled, Yang called the restaurant and made the reservation for her and Blake.

The night finally arrived. Ruby and Oscar came to babysit. Unfortunately Oscar was still caught up in Beacon affairs, he had some phone calls and business to sort out throughout the evening. But he promised to have it finished and help Ruby as soon as he could. Blake and Yang had gotten dressed up for their night out, and were ready to go. But Blake wanted to stay just a little longer to make sure Ruby knew everything she would need for babysitting. At least, that's what she told Yang. As Blake held little Yin, she frantically listed off things for Ruby to remember while she and Yang were out.

"Okay, you have mine and Yang's scroll numbers." Blake said handing Ruby a small piece of paper. "Here's the number for the restaurant in case you can't reach us. There should be enough milk for Yin in the fridge. But if for whatever reason you need more, I prepared some in the freezer. Oh and if you can't get her to go to sleep-"

"Blake, it's going to be fine." Ruby interrupted. "I know everything I've gotta do to take care of this little cutie." She gently held one of her niece's hands. "Yeah mommy." Ruby said while doing a voice. "Don't worry. Aunt Ruby's the best." Ruby gave a cheeky smile, which was met with Blake smiling with a raised eyebrow.

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