Chapter 2 - Boy or Girl

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The three month wait felt like an eternity to Yang. It was really bad for her when she was talking on the phone with either her sister Ruby or her father Tai. Whenever they asked her something akin to "What's new", she wanted to tell them "Blake and I are having a baby" or something along those lines. It was especially hard for her when Ruby asked if she or Blake were thinking about having children one day. But she kept the news to herself. Though there was something Ruby told her one day while they were catching up. She and Oscar were planning a big reunion party at the rebuilt Beacon Academy. That gave Yang an idea.

Blake was three months into her pregnancy, and her baby bump was starting to show. She and Yang had just gone to see their gynecologist for their next ultrasound scan. They hoped that this could be the day they find out the sex of their baby. Of course it didn't matter to them all that much whether they were having a boy or a girl, just as long as their child was happy and healthy. But it would be nice to know in advance what colours and clothes they should go with. Though they did have an unexpected guest during this scan. That being Weiss Schnee.

"Weiss, did you really need to be in here during the scan?" Yang asked.

"Oh, sorry I care for the health of my godchild." Weiss said. "I vowed that I would be the best godmother ever, and I intend to be just that." Before Yang could say anything, Blake shushed the two as the doctor came back with information from their scan.

"Alright, Mrs Belladonna." The doctor said. "Everything is looking good. The baby is perfectly healthy." Blake let out a sigh of relief and smiled. As did Yang and Weiss. "Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" The doctor asked. Blake and Yang looked to each other and each nodded in confirmation.

"We've talked about it." Blake said. "And, we'd like to know what we're having."

"Alright. Well." The doctor said opening their file while Blake, Yang and Weiss waited with baited breath. "Congratulations. It's a girl." All three of them cup their mouths in surprise.

"Yang." Blake said as she began to tear up and hugged her wife. "We're having a girl." Yang hugged her back while she began to tear up herself. Weiss wiped a tear from her eye watching the two, soon to be, mothers.

"Weiss." Yang said. Weiss looked up to see the two of them with their arms out, to beckon her to join for a group hug. "Get in here godmother." Weiss didn't hesitate and the three of them group hugged.

Blake and Yang had their recent scan printed. As Blake held the photo of her's and Yang's baby, Yang and Weiss huddled up either side of her and smiled as they looked at the picture. Something that stood out were two bumps on their baby's head. Which they quickly deduced would be her cat ears.

"So?" Weiss asked. "Are you two finally going to tell Ruby that she's going to be an aunt?"

"It's been three months." Blake said. "We can finally tell her, our parents and all of our-"

"Actually, I had another idea." Yang said. "Blake, how would you feel about waiting three more weeks before we tell people?" She asked her wife.

"But, you've been so excited to tell everyone about this. Why do want to wait longer?" Blake asked.

"Well." Yang said. "Have you two heard what Ruby and Oscar are planning?"

"You mean the reunion?" Weiss asked. At that point, Blake realised what her wife was getting at.

"Hold on." Blake said with a hint of frustration in her voice. "You want us to wait until then just so we can see everyone's faces when they see me?" She asked while gesturing towards to her baby bump.

"Really Yang?" Weiss asked. "You're really going to ask your pregnant wife, to not tell your friends, or even her parents, this wonderful news? Just so that you can see the looks on peoples faces in person when they see her? Just because you think it would be funny?" Yang may have had a thing for jokes, but Weiss didn't think she'd do something like that.

"No, it's not like that at all." Yang said. She took a deep breath and continued. "I don't want to do that because I think it'd be funny. I want to tell everyone we know about our baby in person. I wanna be there and share excitement with everyone about the news of mine and Blake's baby. You don't get that over the phone, in the mail or in some message on your scroll." A brief silence feel upon the three of them. After some thought, Blake smiled and held her wife's hand.

"Yang's right." Blake said. "I want to be there with my parents when we tell them they're going to have a grandchild." The two looked to each other and smiled. "We've waited three months, what's a few extra weeks." The two wives shared a half hug, smiling softly while each placed one hand on Blake's stomach. Weiss smiled and sighed.

"Well, I can keep my lips sealed for a few more weeks." Weiss said. "And it'll be nice to share this news with everyone in person."

"It'll be great." Yang said. "And hey. We're having a girl. You know what this means." She said as she punched her fists together. "I am gonna kick the grapes out of so many boys." She added with a smirk. Weiss sighed and pinch the top of her nose between her eyes. While Blake chuckled a little bit. As Blake watched the other two, Yang insisted to Weiss that she was joking, she couldn't help but imagine what kind of childhood their daughter was in for.

"It's certainly going to be eventful in this family." Blake thought to herself while she placed a hand back on her stomach. She thought about all of the people she and Yang knew, this family that their daughter is going to be born into. "You're gonna love it."

Next - Chapter 3 - Announcement at the Reunion

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