Chapter 5- too loud.

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Breakfast was a very lively thing at the home. Everyone was talking and i just listened in on some conversations, not really knowing what i should talk about; 'oh yeah my father has actually tried to kill all of you several times...'

I accidentally frown at the thought, which miss peregrine seems to notice.

"Is the food not to your liking dear? I could always get you something else" she offers but I'm quick to shake my head no.

"No, the food is amazing, thank you." I say with a polite smile which falters as soon as I looked away. I poked the with broccoli on my plate with a fork around, but excused myself getting up and walking out of the room. I couldn't be in there right now. I sigh and head up the stairs two steps at a time.

I liked it here... I didn't want to like it, but I did. I had never been to fond about my fathers idea of the peculiar world, and this -staying here- only seemed to push me further away from agreeing with his motives. I walk into Alma's room (the one I had stayed in), and face planted on the bed. I groan out of frustration towards myself and turn to lay on my back. My head was hurting. It had been ever since I'd sat down to eat, and it just wouldn't go away. Thoughts started swirling around my head like a tornado and I couldn't stop them. I grab my hair, roughly pulling on it while slowly getting into a sitting position. I felt tears in my eyes. The outside world was completely shut out and I could only hear my fathers disappointed voice, and the screams of my mother from when she was... yeah. The same thing that always happens when Istressed, and I hated it. I started hitting my head with my fists hoping it would help, but it didn't. I started crying because of the hammering pain and the voices. It was all too overwhelming, and I had no knifes to throw to take away my thoughts. I groan out of desperation and pain rolling down from the soft surface that was a bed. Why couldn't I just be normal!? I was fine just a minute ago.

"you're. over. Reacting!" I hiss out through sharp breaths while repeatedly hitting my head. I didn't hear the knock on the door and therefore just kept doing what I was doing. Stupid. I pulled my hair with a groan of frustration before falling to the ground on purpose, from the sitting position I was in before that. I cry out the voices only getting louder with each sob. My thoughts were racing, and I shut my eyes tightly. I hadn't noticed the Ymbryne walking in nor that she threw herself down beside me.

"y/n! y/n I'm right here." A calm yet anxious voice sharply cut through all other racing thoughts and voices. I opened my eyes and gasped for air sitting up abruptly. I saw navy blue arms going around me from behind my back. I tried to pull away, but they held on tightly making me breathe. I felt myself pressed up against something, someone. My brain already racing quickly picked up on who the person was. It was miss peregrine. No, no, no. I tried squirming myself out of her grasp, but she held tight and obviously had no intention of letting go. She didn't say anything, it was like she knew that I wasn't ready to talk. I stopped struggling in her arms when I realized she wouldn't let go. Instead, I turned to hide myself in her body which she allowed.

-Alma's POV-

I was shocked seeing her like this but tried to keep my composed demeanor, though I knew that I was failing miserably. I didn't know what I was doing. She wasn't crying because she'd fallen or because Enoch had pushed her away. No. those problems I was used to handling, but right now I felt helpless. I didn't know what to say, or to say anything at all. So, I stayed silent and held onto her shaking body. A cry ragged through her, and she stopped fighting me. Instead, she did something that surprised me. She turned around and crawled into the shape of my body. It took a moment to comprehend but on instinct my hand flew to her back, and I started rubbing calming circles. A tear escaped my eyes, but I was quick to bite my lip and hold in the sobs. Meanwhile sobs were ragging through her body I just sat there. I couldn't think of anything to say. And not knowing what the problem was didn't make it easier. I pulled her closer and her arms stretched around my waist. The sudden unfamiliar touch startled me but not in a bad way. It was just unfamiliar. Her breathing slowed down and I could feel from her chest being pressed up against my body that her heartbeat was calming down too. A sigh of relief slipped out and I rest my head on hers. More so to calm myself down from the events too. I could feel her relax in my touch and hadn't noticed that I had given into it too. After a few minutes of sniffling from her side and an anxious silence from mine her arms removed from my waist. I didn't know why but I felt a pang of disappointment from the warmth of the touch disappearing. I shook of the thoughts and led my hand through her hair in a careful manor. She was calm, but I couldn't calm down. I felt my breath stick in my throat and quickly exhaled. Another tear struck down my cheek and she slowly got up to sit in front of me. I let her as she was feeling somewhat better.

She was sitting in a defensive position, arms wrapped around herself but only loosely. My own arms felt empty from her pulling away and I held one with the other. I was only looking at her through my lashes afraid to startle her with my presence. Her arm went to wipe away her tears, but I grabbed her by the wrist.

"Don't... look at me y/n" I say letting her arm down and moving just the tinniest bit closer taking a hold of her chin with a soft touch. I slowly move her face up to look at me. I didn't want to do her wrong so every move I made was soft and well calculated.

"I'm sorry..." it was barely a whisper, but her words stung like a knife.

"Don't you dare apologize" I say harsher than I initially intended. And my eyes widen much like hers.

"I'm sorry" I say letting go of her chin my arms going to wrap defensively around my own body. To my relief she let's out a breathless laugh.

"Now who's apologizing" she says, and I smile at her with appreciation...

-y/n's POV-

I look at the woman for another short second taking in every inch of her. Her dark hair with differently blue colored strikes to her ocean like eyes. I scanned her face. Her eyes were just the slightest bit red, and there was a biting mark on her bottom lip. I reach out but shy away from her soft looking lips, leaving me flustered. Her cheeks tinge a light pink only complimenting her pale skin and perfect appearance.

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