Chapter 16- sort it out?

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Waking up I had a headache only getting worse once I'd sat up beside Alma, who was still sound asleep. That meant it was early. Very early. My hand shot to the side of my head as the pounding worsened.

"ow." I mumbled silently and under my breath not to wake up the woman beside me. She looked very peaceful, her usually strict demeanor gone. Just relaxed and happy expressions resting on her features. Without knowing I was now just smiling at her as I laid back down on my stomach, propping my head on my elbows just taking in the moment. She slowly started blinking and eventually opened her eyes. Turning to look at me probably thinking I was asleep. Her eyes widen a little with surprise when finding me already looking at her.

"Good morning bluebird" I said giving her a kiss on the forehead. I pulled away again and saw her smiling with a satisfied expression.

"Good morning love" she said doing the same. I gave her a smile and nuzzle in when she holds out her arms for me to cuddle in to. I hear her chuckle her morning voice low. I smile into her and tighten the hug.

"I assume you are not ready to head down yet?" she asks, and I shake my head but look up at her.

"No. But I can be persuaded." I say making her chuckle. She places playful kisses all over my face making me chuckle. Eventually I get up along with her and head down. I had thrown on a sweater over the nightgown she was currently lending me, this of course making me head down before her as she had to slip into her more professional attire. I started breakfast not noticing the woman enter before she wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder.

"who's too tired now?" I asked with a smirk.

"oh, shut it now" she said, laughing muffled by my sweater. I laughed along with her as she went to help me make breakfast. The children started coming down the stairs just as someone knocked at the door. Everyone stopped in their tracks as Alma went to walk to the door, but I stopped her.

"I'll get it." I said seeing everyone's worried faces. She nodded slowly and I walked to the door. The children had only moved a little bit, making them now stand behind their very tense headmistress. I gave them all a reassuring smile as to calm them down, being sure that it was nothing. I opened the door and my smile immediately fell. It was Him!

"No!" I almost scream at him trying to shut the door, but he slipped in.

"Ah, Miss Peregrine, pleasure to meet you" he said trying to move past me, but I wouldn't let him. He looked at me displeasured.

"Mr. Barron" Alma said coldly walking over to stand close behind you.

"I ask that you leave my loop now. Before I'll have to kill you" she said sternly though her voice faltered at the end, and when looking around her eyes were filled with fear. Her face remaining in defense only her eyes filled with panic, the woman glanced back at her wards, surely wanting nothing more than to get them away.

"well, I will be bringing you along." He said with a sharp teethed grin.

"NO!" I now shouted but Alma looked back at her children. I knew she was ready to go with him to protect him. But I wouldn't let her. I looked back at my father wanting nothing more than to claw his eyes out and strangle him. His hand changed into a knife making everyone shock back. My arm flew in front of Alma to protect her. The knife brushed my arm making it bleed, and me shriek.

"y/n!" both Emma, Enoch and Alma yelled.

"I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. An idea shot through my mind as Alma started leading the children into the parlour. I imagined my nails turning into claws and when looking down knew I'd succeeded. I walked over to Alma hugging her to cover her. I shifted into her successfully and pushed her inside the parlour locking the door. My father hadn't noticed but she'd seen the whole thing making her now bang against the door. A faint 'NO!' could be heard as I let my father take me away thinking it was the truly beautiful Ymbryne...

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