Chapter 15- knock knock

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I heard a knock from the door making me look up from the book i was reading.

"Were we expecting someone Alma?" I shout but get no answer.

"Alma?" I hear the door open and a strangled scream making me shoot up and run to the door. As soon as i got out the door i see Him standing in the door holding Alma in a choke hold.

"NO!" I shout but it's to late as he stings his knife-hand right through her stomach. The lean woman's -now almost lifeless- body, falls to the ground and he disappears. I run over to her wanting to help and fall to my knees, holding her body tightly pressed against me. I frantically start trying to stop the bleeding but it just wouldn't stop.

"No! Alma- No!" I cry out and bring my hands to her face.

"It's- your- fault" she says as i hear her last breath slowly fade out. Suddenly all the children are standing around us pointing a finger at me repeating her words.

It's your fault
                                       It's your fault
                It's your fault
                                                                 It's your fault
                                        It's your fault
        It's your fault!

"No- no I didn't-" i cut myself of.

"No! No, No, No, No!"

"NO!" I sit up screaming kicking a blanket off of me. I was hysterically crying and I couldn't breathe.

"NO, NO, NO!" I shout again, grabbing my hair and pulling it. She was dead! Suddenly i see someone sit up abruptly beside me and come over.

"No! Don't- t-touch" I manage through crying and struggled breaths. However she doesn't listen and removes my hands from my hair to stop me from pulling it.

"Y/n... y/n look at me!" She says but I can't see clearly, and her voice is unrecognisable because of the distortion. I keep hearing her say my name until i feel a sharp -short lived- pain on my cheek. I scream but snap out of what ever that had been, and look back to see Alma in complete and utter shock. Her hands shot to her mouth and i knew she'd hit me. Her eyes had been brimming with tears but now they were running down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry! I- you wouldn't listen- but I-" she cries going to cup my face but pulls her hands back.

"No! Alma you-" i was about to comfort her when my brain seems to realise she's alive.

"You're alive" i say and fall in her arms as a sob racks my body.

"I- what?" She says and i go to cup her face.

"Can we just... talk about it tomorrow?" I ask still crying as she does the same. She nods but adds something to that sentiment;

"In the morning* it's currently 1.00 AM" she says making you laugh through a sob...

I feel a storm coming- hagrid😭😂

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