Chapter 6- get off of me?!?

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I hadn't been able to look the blue eyed beauty in the eyes since she witnessed... what she witnessed. And quite honestly, i had been avoiding her. I was currently having a tea party with Claire when suddenly Jakob cane running over, practically jumping over our heads.

"What in the ever loving he- bird, is going on?!" I corrected myself before saying something i'd get scolded for.

"I... i pulled a prank on Enoch... and well he wasn't exactly happ-" he was cut of by a yell from the house.

"Were is that little rat!?" I turned my head to look in -probably- Enoch's direction only to see him completely drenched. I stiffened a laugh as jacob hid behind the tree and Enoch stomped over.

"I thought you were death boy, not water boy" i say say with a wicked grin receiving a death stare from the boy.

"Were is he." He asked simply tough it was more of a command to speak, which I didn't take all too well. It reminded me too much of my father.

"Watch your tone" i snapped surprised by my own reaction.

"Why. What are you gonna do" he said almost daringly, still with a blank face, though his eye brow was raised. I got up to stand in front of him. I was growing angry by how he was telling me off, it reminded me too much of my father and i knew that i would snap soon enough. I give him a glare and he laughs breathlessly.

"Are you gonna run to your lover?" He says now making your eyebrow shooting up.

"Oh miss peregrine please help Enoch is being rude" he said in a mock making you take a step closer and holding a finger in front of his face.

"Say one more word. I dare you." I say my tone low and serious. He could feel it but continued.

"Why because you're 'in loooovveee' " he teased making me snap. I pinned him to the ground not noticing Claire running of towards the house.

"You know death boy suits you, but dead boy works too" i say ready to jump him. No one, was treating me like that. Not again! Suddenly i feel myself being pulled back and now i was the one pinned to the ground. I felt weight add onto my hips and looked up to find none other than the woman i had been trying to avoid. I was baffled by her reaction, let alone the strength of her not too muscular body. Her figure was slick, not bulky- stop it y/n! I shake my head visibly and suddenly realised what i'd done. I overreacted. A lot. I mutter an apology and try to get of but she takes a hold of my wrists, pinning them and me to the ground.

"No!" She stated simply and i grew quiet. Her voice was husky, almost a growl. She nodded at Enoch and Claire and they ran off. Jakob had vanished from behind the tree long ago, leaving the two of you... alone. She followed Enoch and Claire with her eyes making sure they went inside and as soon as the door shut she turned to you. He face was unreadable and her eyes were skimming over me. I felt very exposed under her touch and she wouldn't budge.

"I'm sorry" i mumbled and thinking she'd let me go after i went to sit up, only to be pinned down again.

"No!" She said her voice still in a low octave intimidating me.

"Wha- i. No?" I said fumbling with my wording. She moved closer to me squinting her eyes. I tried pulling my face away but the ground under me wouldn't allow me to. I was trapped.

'Damn it no!' I hated it. Hated feeling trapped, not having a way out. I started struggling under her but she just wouldn't budge.

"Alma get off!" I try but she wouldn't.

"Alma! Get the hell of of me!" I shout and suddenly she does. She seems surprised at my sudden outburst but doesn't say anything. She just turns around leaving me in a half sitting position in the grass....

But why hadn't she just gotten off?!


Uh-oh Alma knows ✨something

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