Chapter 12- bird

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-time skip to two weeks-

"good morning!" Emma said barging into the room. Alma's and currently yours. I groan at the sudden light shinning in and the volume of her voice. She frowns at but quickly changes it to a smile sitting herself beside me.

"are you feeling any better?" she asks with a sad smile. My smile falters and I look back as a gesture that I am looking at my back. I give her a frown and she frowns to emphasize my point. I chuckle a  little when seeing Alma enter with a stern look. Emma turned and panicked.

"I'm sorry I know I'm not supposed to be in here but..." she stopped trying to come up with something. Though when she looked back at me she smiled wickedly.

"but y/n, has something very important to tell you" she says leading her Headmistress's attention towards me while slandering out and closing the door behind her.

"I-" I said not knowing what to say. She looked at me questioning but with a smile.

"-just... wanted to spend some time with you!" I said abruptly, it being the only idea that came to mind. She looked surprised and when I noticed her blush I gave her a smug grin.

"are you alright? Wouldn't want you getting a fever" I say teasingly. She huffs and rolls her eyes but a smile that she couldn't prevent, was playing on her lips. She dumped down beside me and I turned to the woman now laying down on what was her  bed... but her side of it.

"I'm sorry." I say suddenly and out of surprise the slender woman props herself up on her elbows, looking at me curiously.

"what ever are you talking about?" she asks her confused expression remaining on her face. I look down rubbing my arm as to comfort myself.

"I-... I'm a bother. I'm taking up your room and it's okay if you want me in the guest room I-" she cuts me of by grabbing my chin and lifting it up to look at her. She only centimeters away from my face making me blush immensely.

"listen to me." She says and I nod. She comes closer not knowing what to say. Her eyes wander down to my lips but shoot up again when she realizes. Both of our eyes widen, and she quickly gets up me also turning away eyes wide and breath sticking in my throat. As I turn around again she does the same.

"if I wanted you to leave I would say something" she just says. her tone was stern and her expression truthful. I nod slowly but surely.

She seems to remember something and turns to leave.

"I'll be back in just a second" she says with a wide smile. Once I hear the clicking of heals return I sit up from my previous laid down position. She walks in holding a... wooden carved bird? She makes a light saver movement, and a cane forms. So, it basically worked like a light saver.

"what on-" I say but cut myself of. She walks over and sits on the edge of the bed handing me the cane.

"it'll help get you up on your feet again." She says and I give her a small smile taking the cane. She helps me up and I try walking around a bit with the cane. It felt weird and wobbly walking again  but the cane really helped. I suddenly stumble and as I fall she rushes over to catch me, and in a swift movement I was being carried by her.

"I'll stay close by the first couple of days" she says, and we both burst out laughing. She sets me back on the ground carefully and wraps her arm around my waist for Support. This makes me tense, but I quickly relax giving her a reassuring smile. Her smile returns and we walk out of the room, cane in and pressed tightly against each other.


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