Chapter 4- early morning light.

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I wake up when i feel something move beside me. I shoot up from the very soft surface i was laying on only to be met with a navy blue i had gotten so used to. I let out a sigh of relief and lay back down.

"Is everything alright?" She asks.

"Yeah. I just thought you were someone else... also haven't you asked that too many times today" i say the last part with a smirk making her cheeks tinge pink. I chuckle and turn my body to face her.

"Thank you for you kindness" i say and she nods with a soft smile. It surprised me that she didn't even look tired, nor did she seem it.

"Are you not tired?" I say as a yawn escapes me. She chuckles lightly making my chest gloom.

"No. Ymbrynes don't need much sleep to survive on" she says with another short laugh but lays down. I hum in response and turn to lay on my back before a smirk appears on my face.

"Oh, so you just wanna be close to me then" i say smirking at her. I see her cheeks grow red and she rolls her eyes with a smile to try and cover it up. I laugh and turn to lay on my back.

"Goodnight, Alma" i say closing my eyes

"Goodnight Y/N" She says and flicks of the little light. I couldn't sleep and it was especially weird with someone else in the bed.

"You can't sleep can you?" She asks to my surprise. I shake my head and she gets up. I thought she was disappointed in me and i bury my head in the pillow that had the nice vanilla smell. Soon after though i hear her enter the room again and see her with a mug.

"Here drink this" she says with a smile. Was she trying to poison me?!

"What is it?" i ask suspicion written across my face.

"It's warm milk y/n" she says with a warm smile. I look from her and down to the mug that i had taken from her.

'She has no reason for suspicion so why not' i thought and took a sip of the warm milk. My eyes widen at the taste and she laughs a little.

"Your parents must've made you warm milk before" she says with a smile taking the mug as i was finished. I frown but try to cover it up, but of course she sees.

"Not really no." I say looking down. She just looks at me and gives me a sign to continue but I couldn't find the words.

"I- uhm... they weren't. Well my mother. Ugh" i groan out of frustration and face plant on the bed. Suddenly i feel a hand on my back making me tense for a moment but i give into the touch when she starts caressing small circles with her whole hand. I don't know when but eventually i fell asleep again.


When i woke up the next day i was pressed up against something warm. I subconsciously nuzzle into the quell of the warmth and ignore the sunlight bouncing at my face. I slowly open my eyes and remember were i am. Shit. The thing i was pressed up against was human. Well Ymbryne. It was Alma. Panic slices through me as this was not supposed to happen, but I quickly relax. Something about her was calming, and why did i have to kill them. Why was my father killing Ymbrynes and peculiars! Ugh. I get frustrated and on instinct nuzzle into the woman more. She chuckles lightly and that's when i realise she was awake this whole time. I feel the blush creep up my neck and hide in her body, wrapping my hands around her. When i look up again i see her face gloom pink and I can't help but laugh. She rolls her eyes playfully at me before wrapping her arms, around me. I feel my cheeks grow red and now she laughs lightly.

"You're adorable" she says before resting her head on mine. I chuckle and lean in to the touch.

"We have to be down in 12 minutes and 33 seconds" she says and i look up at her.

"You're very precise huh" i say and we both burst out laughing. I get up and go to grab my shoes.

"Don't you want a change of clothes?" She asks and i think about it for a second.

"That might not be a bad idea." I say with a smile and a shrug. She smiles and goes to her closet pulling out a navy blue dress that looked a lot like Emma's just navy blue and transparent sleeves and back.

"Here" she says and hands me the dress.

"You can change in the bathroom" she adds and points at the door in her room. I give her a nod with a soft smile and do as she asks. Though she didn't really ask. But i think she would prefer it as well as me. I slipped into the dress and some tights along with it and glanced at myself in the mirror. I hated my body and didn't feel like the dress did a good job hiding my body. I shook my head and walked out. When i look over the room Alma wasn't there anymore so i make my way downstairs but grab a pair of her heels before going down. The white combats wouldn't have fit the navy blue dress. I make my way down the stairs and slip into the heels not wanting to wake the children. I go to the kitchen and see Alma waiting for the tea kettle to finish up cooking with a pipe in the hand. I laugh and walk in. Her eyes widen for a moment and she chokes on her pipe.

"Are you alright?" I ask growing worried that i was looking ridiculous.

"Yes. And now who is asking this too many times" she says with a lopsided grin. I roll my eyes at her before she goes to speak again.

"You just look... well you look stunning" she says walking over to me and grabbing my hips to gently turn me around so she could see the whole thing.

"It looks beautiful on you" she says and i feel myself burn up.

"Thank you" i say silently and to my surprise receive a kiss on the forehead making the both of us heat up. I just stand there lost in her eyes for a minute. She was scanning every part of my face and her eyes shortly wandered down to my lips. The tea kettle breaks us out of our trance and she goes to pour some of the hot water into the cup.

"Would like some tea before i have to get started on breakfast?" She asks and i give her a nod along with a soft smile.

'Did that really just happen?!' I think causing my face to heat up again.

"Can i help you with breakfast?" I ask and to my surprise she shakes her head.

"No you're the gue-" she goes to say but i cut her off by putting a finger on her lip.

"Let me re frase that. I am going to help you, with breakfast" i state clearly and remove my finger from her soft lips.

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