Chapter 11- navy blue

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I wake up the next day to find myself alone in the queen bed. Alma probably had to take care if the children but i had no idea what had happened after i passed out! I groan out in pain when i move my head just the slightest bit.

"Fuck!" I hiss and let my head dump down again. Why was this hurting so much? What had happened after i passed out? Ugh! Were is the bird lady when you need her! I try to get up only to cry out from the immense pain. I fall out of the bed and shout;

"Damnit!" I let out an accidental cry and realise that I wouldn't be able to get up again. The hard wooden floor made the pain so much worse leading me to cry out again. I didn't want to but knew i had to;...

"Alma!" I yell between a sob. I try to quiet down to listen for her footsteps but I can't. The pain was only worsening and i had to shut my eyes. I yell out, but then feel myself being placed on the bed again. I let out a sigh of relief my face relaxing as well. I feel someone brush away a strand of hair from my face, and I open my previously shut eyes. Alma. I give her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry" i say. It was nothing more than a whisper. She nods but gives me a confused look.

"Why? This is my fault!" She says the words seeming to slip out of her as her eyes widen at her own words. I give her a confused look.

"What?" I just said. She was obviously just blaming herself but i still needed to know what happened after i passed out!

"Alma what happened after i passed out?" I ask carefully. She looks away not to shoe the hurt expression she couldn't stop from striking across her face.

"Well. Enoch and i took you in here and examined your back at first." She says very slowly almost like she thought the words would bite her.

"But when we did... y/n. Your spine was crooked" she says with tears in her eyes. I couldn't process what she said to me.

"Crooked? You mean; not in a straight line." I say needing the confirmation. To my shock she nods. I gasp for air when she does but try to keep my breathing controlled. I nod for her to keep going.

"Well, I- Enoch and I had to..." she seemed to struggle more for every passing second and all I wanted to do was get up and hug her, but the pain all over wouldn't let me.

"We had to cut you open and do a spinal repair... we discovered that-" a sob of her cuts her off but she continues;

"We discovered that your spine was snapped" a sob racks her body as my own eyes fill with dread and tears. It tales all of my strength to move into a hug with her, but as it always would be, it was worth it. Her sobs soften a bit but we both just sit there crying. This didn't look like me! For God's sake, this didn't look like her! I needed to lay down again and i pull her down with me. It was obvious that she needed some rest too.

"Did you... did you fix it?" I ask hopeful but her glance makes me fearful. She looked at me confused before speaking up.

"Yes of course." She says but now i'm the one confused.

"Then why are you crying?" I ask her and her expression matches mine.

"Because you are in immense pain!" She says wiping away a tear.

"Yes, but i'll heal" i say and only now does she seem to realise the same.

"I... Oh-" a sob cuts her of before she wraps her arms around me. She lets her hands rest on my shoulders not to cause me any pain. She nuzzles into me and i feel my stomach flip. I pull her closer and rest my head on hers. I hear her sigh of relief. And then I knew, that i had feelings for her. To hell with that! I loved this woman and if my father was to ever hurt her or her children! I would snap his head and rip out his organs. Who knows maybe Enoch could make use of them? But i had to tell her...

"Alma..." i say carefully biting my bottom lip. It's a bad habit! She hums in response and I slowly let go of her so she could straighten out of the hug.

"You might not take this well." I say making her sit up as she helps me to. Her -absolutely beautiful- features spark confusion and I continued.

"My last name... is- ugh- it's Barron." I say with anger towards it. Her eyes widen and her hand shoots to her eyes.

"But you've had plenty of time to kill us!" She says and i look at her confused.

"Before hand sorry- Why the hell would i?!" I say a bit louder than intended making me bow lower my head just the slightest bit. She hated me!

"I- but." She couldn't form her sentence but why was she not mad.

"I understand if you kick me out. I do. But at least give me till my back is healed so i am in the state of taking him and his little... organisation down." I sate clearly but to my surprise this makes her smile.

"Y/n. I'm not kicking you out. And i've known this whole time" she says with a smirk my eyes widen in shock and she just laughs a little.

"A little girl came here with my friend Miss cuckoo and described how the destroyer if her loop looked." She explained and leaned over me to grab something from the drawer of the nightstand. I tensed as she was so close again. She leaned back again showing a drawing that looked like me.

"Why didn't you kill her" the Ymbryne asks meaning the little girl.

"I- I couldn't! It's not like she ever deserved something like that." I say with remorse and look down. Alma takes a soft hold of my chin and lifts my head to look at her. She had a soft smile on her lips.

"I know you are to no danger y/n" she says and i feel tears prick my eyes. Then a call from what sounded like Jakob and Millard. She sighs as she goes to leave, though she stops at the door.

"And if your last name is the only problem we have it's quite the easy fix" she says turning her body halfway towards me. I shoot her a confused glance making her grin in a teasing manner.

"Well we'll just have to change it" she says in a low husky voice an I know exactly what she means. She laughs at my quickly flustered state and leaves. Did she really just- no! It wasn't a proposal... but she did mention to take her last name. You grin wickedly knowing exactly how to get her back. You just needed to recover a bit. And then-

"Let the games begin"


So. THANK YOU! For the attention this book just got! I love reading all of the comments and discovering that my readers have the same personality as me🤣😂🥲❤️

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