Chapter 8- don't jump!

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-Alma's POV-

I knew that what she had said couldn't be true... or a want from her side. Not that it was from mine! Oh birds just stop. I let go of the kitchen knife and facepalm myself. I had to at least act normal. Besides she had been drunk! I sigh and get to chopping fruits again when i hear someone come down.

"Good morning..." a careful voice. It was y/n talking. I could feel my stomach flipping and wrapping in nots but she had meant nothing by the statement.

"Pull yourself together" i whisper.

"What was that?"

"Oh- i- Good morning" i end up saying and turning to her. Her hair was messed up and she looked tired. She was still wearing the night gown i had clothed her in making me just the slightest bit nervous at the sight. I didn't notice my gaze wandering over her body nor the blush creeping up both of our cheeks. The gown complimented her body quite well and as my eyes wandered back to her face, i noticed now what i had been doing and felt my cheeks burn up severely. I quickly turned and heard her chuckle. I smile at the sound but quickly snap out of my trance.

"I will need to give you a..." i stopped mid sentence remembering yesterday. I hear her clear her throat and continue my sentence.

"I'll have to give you a punishment for getting drunk. And hungover." I say with a stern tone.

"Of course. I'm sorry, by the way" she says and i turn my head to look at her. She was very sincere but the words seemed unfamiliar to her. I turn back to the cutting board noticing that i had been about to cut into my own finger instead of the fruit.

"Could you help set the table?" I ask her while starting the pancake batter.

"Of course" she says and i can hear her smile in the tone of her voice. My chest rises at her happiness but i try to snap out of it. She doesn't date woman.

-y/n's POV-

After breakfast i headed to Miss peregrines office like she'd instructed me to. I sit down on a chair and play with a strand of my hair waiting. I see a drawer and my curiosity getting the better of me makes me open it. There were a bunch of keys in the drawer each with a small label on them. I quickly realise that these were keys to all of the rooms. I search around not expecting to find what i was looking for, but i did. I grab the key without thinking and quickly trow it in the heel i was wearing stepping over it for cover. I hear the familiar sound of heels clicking and shut the drawer quietly.

"So- are you alright?" She asks cutting her original sentence of.

"Yeah. Why?" I respond.

"Well you look like a deer in front of the headlights." She says giggling making me crack a laugh too.

"Well you are very intimidating" i say jokingly making her smile wider. She grows more serious and takes a seat in front of me.

"So. You will be helping me with all of my chores. And you can't be alone. That means i'm with you at all times." She says and i knew there was no way of arguing. I nod and she gives me sign that i can leave. I go to the door closing it behind me and practically run outside. I climb up a tree panicked that i now can't be alone. Up here she wouldn't find me for a few minutes at least. I hear her bursting out the door and calling my name. The thought of her being around constantly scared me immensely and I couldn't get myself to climb down. I climb up higher until I'm in the crown of the tree. The thoughts that were racing slowly disappeared along with Alma's- Miss peregrines voice. And i decided to stay put just a little while longer.


It was now night. I hated myself for not climbing down especially because i knew Alma was searching frantically by now. I sigh and let myself flop onto a thick branch just watching the stars. Suddenly i see a bird- no a falcon fly around the tree. It was beautifully blue and landed on a branch beside me.

"Hey birdie" i say but notice that it looked at me with what seemed to be anger?!

"Well you don't look like you've had a good day" i say with a sad smile, but suddenly the bird changes into- i scream and fall down my branch, the only thing stopping me from falling being arms wrapping around my waist. I let out a squeal being scared, and look up to find miss peregrine.

"Well i really haven't had a good day actually" she says out breath. Her legs were on one side of the branch and her other half on the other side, keeping her successfully steady enough to catch me from falling

-a/n: lol hope that made sense😂-

I'm smart enough not to try and wrangle myself out of her touch this time, instead keeping myself completely still. She was looking at me anxiety spiking her features.

"Alma let go" i say and she looks at me like she would kill me for saying such things.

"Wha- NO!" She shouts and i give her a small smile.

"If this is to work i have to fall in a straight line. I can't wrangle myself out of you touch." I say but i know she would never let go. I sigh and bring my arms to the back of hers holding onto me. I pull them apart that not taking much strength from me since she had barely caught me in the first place. I hear her scream as i fall. I almost regret it but trust myself. As long as i land on my legs. The heels i had been wearing were swept by the wind of the fall long ago and i turn to a back flip. I knew this was stupid but i couldn't let both of us fall. I timed the flip correctly and land on my feet right going down before the left one... i screamed out of pain. I couldn't stop screaming. But just as i saw Alma turn into bird form flying down i passed out...


Contemplating all of my options...😈

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