Chapter 14- Adilene

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"Hey y/n?" Emma enters the parlour were I was sitting with claire the twins and Alma. I'd been reading to the children and Alma had joined in, deciding to enjoy the moment.

"Yes?" I ask as i look up from the book pausing for a moment. The children looked up at the girl too.

"I was just wondering. Do you have a middle name?" She asked. Alma seemed to take an interest in the conversation now too since her head snapped to look at the scene.

"...yes." I said hesitantly knowing she'd ask what it was. Her grin widened and i frown.

"Care to tell us what it is?" She asks teasingly. I was about to say no when suddenly Claire cut in.

"Yes! Please y/n" she said pouting her bottom lip. The twins soon enough joined in and Alma had a wide smirk on her face.

"Yes. Pleeaasseee" she said in a teasing mock. I glared at her though not able to hide away the smile tugging on my lips.

"Fine!... it's Adilene..." I say. It was almost a whisper as I'd never quite liked it. I look down when hearing the children gasp.

"That's so pretty" Claire complimented. I give her a smile thanking her when suddenly i hear Emma gasp again and look back up.

"That's French. Right?" She asks.

"Yes. Why?" I ask her. She doesn't respond but just looks at her headmistress. Alma seems to realise something making her blush immensely.

"Miss Bloom!" She shouts as the girl runs away. I couldn't help but laugh as the clearly flustered woman hid her face in her hands. Claire and the twins had run after Emma... the birds know why, giving me the time to sit beside Alma.

"What was that about?" I ask and she sits upright again.

"Nothing" she says though I didn't believe her.

"Oh- is that so?" I say in a teasing voice.

"I think i know what Emma was going on about" i say making her look at me confusion striking her beautiful features.

"Lefay..." i just say making her blush up again. To her misery -and pleasure- I kissed her on the lips and walked out.

"She'll be the death of me" I hear her whisper before i'm out of earshot. I chuckle at this and go outside to play with some of the children.


"Y/n?" I recognise the voice immediately making me smile and turn in the couch i was currently sitting in.

"Hello Blue bird." I say making the woman blush just the slightest bit.

"Oh stop that." She says rolling her eyes with a smile. She takes a seat beside me and i put down the book i was reading.

"I was just wondering... what is your peculiarity?" She asks and my eyes widen a frown soon taking over my face as i look away.

"I told you... i never miss" i say sarcasm dripping from my mouth. I sigh and turn to look at her again. She'd placed her hand atop of mine as to give me comfort.

"I honestly don't remember... but i know it killed my mother." I say silently, growing nauseous at the though.

"Oh- i'm sorry love I didn't mean to bring up bad memories" she says moving closer. I give her a sad smile.

"It's not like I remember it anyways." I say earning me an increasingly worried look from the woman.

"If you would like. I could help you figure out what kind of peculiarity you have." She says carefully.

"Actually i think I'd like that." I say feeling comfortable with it as long as she'd be there to help. She gives me a wide smile and plants a kiss on my cheek making me blush.

"You're turning red, Adilene" she says putting pressure on the name, only making my blush increase. I hadn't noticed that i was starring at her.

"It's rude to stare dear" she says snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh but i find it so hard not to... Fay" i say making her blush. I chuckle a little before i knock her over laying half on top of her and nuzzling in.

"I take it you can wait till after dinner with finding out" she says teasingly. I hum and nuzzle in further.

"Yeah" i say exhaling from a deep breath. She wraps her arms around in an attempt to pull me closer, which at that point was impossible...


Sweet little chapter before i ruin their lives again:)

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