Chapter 13- blue bird

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I had gotten a tad bit better at walking with the cane, though the pain made my mood sour. The children who weren't used to this were instructed to just go out of my way when this happened. I hated it but I knew it was best for everyone. Alma had been writing and receiving an awful lot of letters for past weeks and she wouldn't tell anyone from who they were directed to or who they were from. Today though was different. Emma, Olive, Enoch, Jakob and I were sitting in the parlor talking about nothing in particular when suddenly the Ymbryne bust into the room holding up a letter with a huge smile on her face. Everyone jumped at the abrupt and unusual behavior of the woman, but she didn't mind. She walked over to me in a quick pace and lifted me up while turning. I shrieked and we both laughed though mine sounded as confused as the expression I was wearing. She set me down though placing her hands on my hips for my balance as I didn't have the cane on me.

"I have something" she said. She looked like she was going to explode out of excitement any minute.

"what?" I ask and she turns to leave, though quickly realizes that I am struggling for balance because she had removed her hands from my waist. She scoffs and turns around but instead of just helping me walk she scoops me up, holding me bridal style. I shriek and catch Emma and Olive looking at me with a teasing smirk. I glare at them though couldn't help the smile tugging on my lips. Alma almost runs out making me flung my arms around her neck. She chuckles and jumps up the stairs walking into our room. That felt weird to say!...

"I found someone -a peculiar- who has the ability to heal you" she says and her smile grows even wider when she sees my face light up.

"Wha- where?" I ask getting just as excited as the Ymbryne.

"That doesn't matter since they're coming here... today!" She says exited. I couldn't think of anything better than to hug her.

"Thank you... so much!" I say as she hugs me back.


"This might hurt." Said the young peculiar, warning me and Alma who had opted to stay... well she had enforced her will in staying. I give the boy a nod and look back to see Alma looking pale as a ghost.

"Maybe you should-" i was cut of with a glare from the woman making me turn back to the boy.

"It's your spine that is at matter i hear?" He asks and again I give him a nod.

"Alright. You will need to take of you shirt." He says simply. Alma seems to notice my discomfort and plants a hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile. I smile back at her and do as told. He gestures for me to lay down and again I do as told. Alma was sitting right beside me trying not to show her worry though failing miserably.

"Ready?" Asked the boy placing his hands on my shoulders. I gave him an anxious nod and he closed his eyes. Suddenly it felt like my whole body was being wrenched and torn apart and put back together repeatedly. The pain was to big not allowing me to shout out. Soon enough the boy pulled away and all sign of pain was gone. Only leaving me a bit sore. I jump to my feet as if to get away from the previous pain, finally regaining my ability to speak.

"Holy mother of fuck!" I shout making Alma's eyes widen in shock. I looked at her cheeks growing red realising what i'd said. The boy laughed at the two of us.

"Always happy to help" he said with a chuckle. I laugh along with him.

"Thank you." I say. I see Alma ready to catch me but i walk towards her. She seems to grow increasingly worried but soon realises i am indeed healed.

"Thank the birds!" She almost shouts as she rams into me hugging me as tight as ever. I chuckle closing the hug and afterwards we see the boy out the home.

"I'm so happy you're okay." She says. I first now notice that she was holding me by the waist probably out of habit.

"It's okay i can walk now." I say but when i go to pull away, she doesn't let go.

"I never minded." She says i send her a smile but she just looks me deeply in the eyes.

"I-" i cut myself of when i feel her getting closer. I knew what was coming and I wasn't about to object. I probably deserved it. But to my surprise instead of her giving me a slap across the face i feel her lips against mine. I grow shocked and she quickly pulls away.

"I- so sorry!" She says quickly going to walk away, but I grab her by the wrist and turn her to me placing my lips on hers. She leans into the kiss and i feel her smile against it as i do the same.

"I love you blue bird" i say and we both shock at the name. Maybe i'd been calling her that in my head too much...

"I love you too, little bird." She says nuzzling into a hug.

"And i'm sorry for my shock. I thought you were going to hit me." I say shrugging.

"I- wait what now?" She says pulling out of the hug to look at me.

"I know you don't have to tell me" i say making us both laugh. Birds, she was so perfect.


But oh, their lives will soon be ruined again😈

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