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Morning did not come fast enough for Yoongi, even in his sleep he kept tossing and turning, missing the other person he usually slept with every night, his boyfriend did no come home at all. He reminded himself to think positive things, he was usually more realistic and not as positive, but he wanted to feel better for the baby's sake.

He left for work and hoped to maybe talk to Jin at some point. But when he got there he found out that would not happen anytime soon.

There was a lot of movement around the building, more than usual, and when he go to his studio he had dozens of emails waiting for him, all of them about the same issue, the new band the company had debuted was in trouble in Japan.

This was not something that fell into Yoongi's responsibilities, but as an important member in the organization he was still informed.

At around 11 am, two hours after he had gotten there he read the latest update on the situation. Executive Producer and project manager Kim Seokjin was on his way to Tokyo to take care of it personally.

Yoongi's heart sunk when he read the email, he left, he left him and their baby. Instead of trying to solved the issues in their relationship he chose to leave and to work on something that wasn't even his job anymore.

He took his phone and blocked all communication with his now ex-boyfriend, social media, calls, texts. Why to keep it open when it was obvious the older wanted nothing to do with them, neither with him nor the baby. He only allowed emails from his corporate address to come in, at the end they were still co-workers, the rest was blocked.

He was a wreck, he wanted to do nothing but lay down and cry or be mad and break things, dish his ex on a track, do something cathartic. But he could not do that, he had things to do, a child to think of, so instead he took the day off. He needed to make some decisions and a plan for his future.

He had taken the decision of moving out of Seokjin's house almost on the spot, this had been his home for two years already but not anymore. Seokjin bought it thinking of both of them, but he no longer felt welcome. He had his own apartment close to the HYBE building, it was a nice 3 bedroom place, in a nice neighborhood.

Both him and Seokjin bought their properties in the same year, when they had stablished their careers in the company and their savings had gotten them the chance of being home owners. His apartment was never used, he only kept it as an investment, thinking maybe making it a trainees apartment someday. But in the meantime he listed it as a rental home for airbnb under the supervision of a property manager. He contacted said manager and asked him to remove it from the website, he was now going to be living there, good thing it was furnished and even better, because of the cold weather and heavy rains there was not that much tourism in Seoul, so they didn't have any guest coming.

He the got up, having announce he would take the rest of the day off. He had used his own car to get to work so he drove back to Seokjin's house, got in and took all of his belongings into trash bags and suitcases. He made sure not to forget anything, he went room by room taking everything that belonged to him and that he wanted to bring with him, the rest could stay.

The only thing he couldn't move right then and there was his piano, it was a very expensive and beautiful piece he had purchased not long before and sat on their formal living room. He would figure out how to move it later. Right now he focus on the rest of his things.

He loaded his car, fortunately an SUV that could hold everything and left.


Yoongi spent part of the day putting his things away in the apartment, when he finished he decided to order some lunch. When he was working he could forget about his basic needs, his work was always his priority. But back then he had Seokjin to remind him of eating on time, drinking water, etc. Now he was on his own so he decided to set alarms for his meals and used an app to track his water intake, he could not risk becoming dehydrated.

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