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Jin spent that Friday afternoon packing Yoongi's things up. He did it by himself to allow the younger to rest, even when the other protested that, according to his own words, he was pregnant not physically impaired. But he was still having a little remaining pain on his back so he did not complaint much. Besides, most of Yoongi's belongings in the house were only clothes.

During the two months he lived in the apartment he did not really changed anything. He had planned to turn one of the rooms into a home studio and the other on the baby's nursery. But for some reason he never got around to actually do it. During the first month there he told himself to take things slowly, and when Jin came back it became even harder to really do anything that would stablished the apartment as his permanent home. Deep down he wanted to go back to their house.

So by late Friday night everything was packed and ready to be loaded to the car, but they decided for both of them to spend another night in the apartment since it was late already. After they had some dinner both took a shower and put on something comfortable, Yoongi offering some clothes for Jin to sleep in.

The older was suppose to spend the night in the guest room, but while he was in the shower Yoongi played a movie on the tv in his bedroom, Jin came it to say goodnight and stayed to finished the movie with him. They both fell asleep together again. At some point of the night Jin got inside the covers and once more cuddle with Yoongi.

Saturday morning they woke up, Jin laying on his back with one of his arms protectively around the younger, and Yoongi resting his head in his shoulder his arms around the older. They slept touching each other all night, never stopping the physical contact.

They ignored the awkwardness that came after they realized how close their faces were when they woke up.

Jin proposed to take things to the house and on their way there stop for breakfast. They would use Yoongi's SUV since it fit more things. Later that day they would use uber back to the apartment to get the other car and go back home.

When they arrived to the house Jin once again stopped Yoongi from moving things around, he started taking his belongings to the master bedroom in the house, the one they use to shared, and took a few of his own belongings to the guest bedroom saying it would be more comfortable for Yoongi to be in the bigger bedroom. Not like the guest room wasn't nice, like the master bedroom it also had an in-suit bathroom and a walking closer, smaller than the main bedroom but still a good size for one person alone, even two people would be more than comfortable there.

Yoongi did go to check on his home studio, finding everything the way he had left it. So he left his bag from work there. He thought originally he would feel uncomfortable in the house, or even hate to be there, but he didn't, he felt at home.

Yoongi then went to his room, Jin was putting things and clothes away, Yoongi noticed something new on Jin's nightstand. He came closer to make sure what he had found. It was a framed picture of both of them, they took it in their last vacation in Thailand, but overall that's not what called his attention. In the lower part of the frame, there was a small printing of the baby's first ultrasound. Yoongi had given copies of all the files of all ultrasounds to Jin.

—I like seeing it before going to bed and when I wake up.—Said Jin who was standing now next to him.

—The picture is recent...

—Yeah, we took it in Phuket, it's like an inside joke, you know, we made this—Jin pointed at the ultrasound picture—when we were here...—They both chuckled.

Jin looked at him and couldn't stop himself anymore, he came close to Yoongi and kissed him. He had been wanting to do it for such a long time now, since the night in the hospital when Yoongi and him finally relax about the situation, when Yoongi had asked him to stay with him, when they were watching the movie the night before, when they both woke up in the morning after sleeping together again in the same bed for two nights in a row, and so many times before, he was craving to kiss him again.

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