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Yoongi started working again, but he was in the building only between 9 am and 1 pm, then he would pick up Jungkook and go home, and work from there. Jin also kept his working week reduced to four days and worked the fourth from home. They were granted security from the company, although they declined to use it 24 hours a day, mostly because their house was secluded since it had high walls and had already a security system installed. But sometimes they would use the transportation service that had SUV's with tinted glass when they had to go to work and take Jungkook to and from daycare. Yoongi was ok with this, it was temporarily, eventually they would go back to their normal lives, or so he hoped.

The HR department had continued they investigations they had in fact found a person taking the picture in the video surveillance they could retrieve, but the person was giving the back to the camera on both times, they had to retrieve more recordings from other cameras to try to figure out who the person was, so far it seemed to be someone close to the idols. That was all the information they had so far.

In the meantime Yoongi started working on projects right the moment he came back to work. Among them his new solo album, he didn't set a time frame for that, he'd developed it organically with not time limit. What he was working on at this moment was a song with RM and J-Hope, even when the other two rapper/producers were not involved in the whole drama with the press somehow they still got some heat. Some haters had taken the opportunity to attacked the three rappers online, they really didn't care much, it was nothing but hate, they found funny how quickly it went from the possible love triangle, a confirmation of a baby, to them being under fire, haters really had to do some mental gymnastics to tie everything together.

While hanging out together at J-Hope and V's apartment when they celebrated the formers birthday, having some snacks and making fun of the haters a song started coming out, and they were working on it at the moment. They would see how it turned out and then possibly released it as a collaboration. They had done this before, so far they had 3 cyphers already released, maybe this would be their fourth.

—I honestly thought having a baby would soften you... but it didn't...—said J-hope quite surprised with what Suga had written so far, it was something in pure Min Yoongi's fashion, a critic to the haters, brutal and effective.

Yoongi thought for a moment.—I did too, well, I mean, I'm soft with Kookie, he's my baby, but, when it comes to haters, this will always be my response, some people are thinking being a dad would end my rapping career, but the fact some are trying to really dig into my life to try to get pictures or information on Kookie, that makes me angry.

<<Also, Kookie likes it when I rap, he likes Jin singing to him, but he giggles a lot when I do, I think he could be a rapper in the future, he yells a lot, so maybe a singer or something, he probably tries to sing but it comes out as yelling.—He was thinking out loud, smiling about his baby, he missed him right this minute.

—Well, he has the basis to be any of the two, I can teach him how to dance when he starts walking.—J-Hope said, while RM took a look to Suga's writing.

—Well, damn, this is really good, I hope Jungkookie gets your talent!—Said RM when he finished reading what he had written.—I mean, it sucks they're harassing your family, but, this is a good inspiration, it's good something like this comes out of something as awful. So.... I think we should start recording already and work on the demo to improve it, I mean, maybe tomorrow.

—Yeah, sounds good.


The other two said, they finished some details at around 1:30, and Yoongi's scheduled for the day was covered, he would usually go to Jin's office to say goodbye until later when they met at home when Jin was out of work, he would then pick Jungkook up from day care and head home, have some lunch, put the baby down for a nap and work until 5:20 when Jin arrived from work, some days Yoongi would comeback to the company with Jungkook and Jin would look after him in his office or Yoongi would take him with him to the studio, depending on each other's activities and go home together. That was their daily routine lately.

Yoongi was getting to Jin's office when he saw two people from the HR department coming out, he got anxious, hopefully they had catch the person who was taking the pictures. In order not to rise any suspicion they pretended not to be doing anything, there were no reminders of the company policies, people in general weren't aware fo the situation, except for the two of them, Shownu, the CEO and the department itself. At this point not even their friends nor Shownu's band knew.

When he got in he found a very stressed and annoyed Jin, the older looked up and gave him a forced smile, Yoongi immediately knew something was wrong.

—What is it?—He asked inquisitively coming closer to him.

—Nothing, just, administrative stuff.—Jin said dismissively, but he was very upset and it was obvious it wasn't nothing.

Yoongi stood up next to him, looking down on Jin who was sitting down.—It's not nothing, what is it?—Yoongi insisted because he knew this wasn't something upsetting Jin in a professional way, this was something personal, this had something to do with both of them.

Jin sighed and gave up, he pull Yoongi to sit down in his legs and hugged his waist.—Someone complained about you to HR, some people from the department just left.—Jin sighed again and buried his face on Yoongi's chest, the younger using his hands to comb his hair to help him to calm down.

—I know, I saw them leave, complained about what?—Yoongi had a good relationship with everyone, and he didn't really had a lot of contact with personnel outside of fellow producers, executives, idols, the people at the building's bistro, but he was nice to them and vice versa, on top of that he wasn't a regular there.

—That's the thing, it is a stupid complain.—Yoongi gave Jin a look for him to explain.—Someone complained of favoritism, they complained about you getting special treatment from the company because of your reduce hours.—Jin was annoyed because of that stupid complain.

Yoongi wasn't just a regular worker in the company, no offense to any regular worker, both him and Jin respected every single person working there. Yoongi had struggled to get where he was, at the beginning when he said he wanted to be involved in music his parents didn't support him, he didn't even blamed them for that, he understood their concerns about his decision, but since he did it all on his own, working odd jobs to pay the bills while he was a trainee or working nonstop when he finally became officially a rapper and producer, he appreciated how lucky he was, and appreciated everyone in HYBE, this was his company, in more ways than one, he was one of the shareholders and talent, Jin was a shareholder as well, this was an extension of their home, and someone was working for them to feel unwelcome.

—You gotta be kidding me.—He was annoyed, not angry, maybe even a little amused, whoever was doing this was misinformed about how certain departments worked, but knew enough to be aware of Yoongi's scheduled, at least the hours he was working.

—I thought the same. HR thought the same too, they came to update me more than anything else, it's not like they will write you off or something, your job doesn't work like that, but, they hoped they could get to who placed the complain somehow, it was anonymous, but, it was done from inside the company, that's good... it's a clue or something.—Jin said as he used one of his hands to rub down Yoongi's lower back to soothe him, or more to soothe himself.

—You know, next week we're suppose to have a small gathering to celebrate my birthday, and the guys wanted to do it during lunch, in my studio, we said we could bring Kookie too from day care but... I don't want him in the building until this thing is over, like, if It's the same person doing all of this...

<<I mean I though it was just someone who saw an opportunity, took pics and maybe sold them, but now, I think is someone who's trying to mess up with us...

—Yeah, me too.... And you're right, let's keep Kookie away from here for a while.— He looked up and pulled the younger for a kiss. It was a shame, when the baby wasn't born yet Jin loved the idea of bringing him to work from time to time, so did Yoongi, they knew he was going to grow with the company as a second home too most likely, this was a little sad for them.

—I have to go, I have to pick up Kookie, see you later.—Yoongi said as he pulled Jin for another kiss.

—Yeah, I love you, give my baby a kiss for me.—Jin said kissing him again.

And Yoongi left the office feeling a little bit frustrated, he was going to add a few things to the cypher later, but right now, he was feeling better about spending his afternoon with his little prince. 

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