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Five days later they all were checking in the hotel to see the concert, or in the case of the grandparents just a part of it because they didn't want to stay up so late. Since Jin would have a more active job during the actual concert he had been able to spend some of the morning at home, Yoongi took him to the venue before noon, they unfortunately wouldn't see each other until that night, hopefully before midnight if everything ran smoothly during the actual event. Yoongi then went to the hotel with Jungkook and their luggage for the night, he was going to enjoy a nice lunch with his parents at the in site restaurant before checking in.

The concert was scheduled to last four hours with several artist from the label performing one after the other, scheduled between 8 pm to midnight. Jin wished Yoongi and Jungkook could join him in the control booth while the event was taking place. But a concert wasn't the place for such a young baby, too much noise and too many bright lights for him, besides Jin had been there the night before during the general rehearsal and noticed it was a little cold in most places backstage, nor good for a baby either, and the place was very busy, Tae had celebrated his birthday with a small cake the night before, they were barely able to hear each other speak when the artists where performing the rehearsal, definitely not a place for a baby period. So Yoongi, not wanting to disrupt anyone's evening decided to stay with the baby in the hotel until around 10 pm when Jin's parents would pick up Jungkook so Yoongi could spend the rest of the concert with Jin.

It was around 10:20 pm when Yoongi finally arrived backstage, he felt nostalgic, it was long ago since he performed live on a stage, he even did a short tour at one point of his career as a rapper, he was a little unsure if he wanted to repeat it, but he like to be back in that environment if only for a little bit.

He located the control booth and found Jin there with other producers, he was right at the moment sitting down in a chair watching Tae's performance on stage.

—Hi, all good so far?—Asked Yoongi when he sat down in the chair next to him kissing Jin's temple, he was probably a little stress. Jin smiled at him feeling a little bit less so when he saw him.

—Yeah, we're on time, but we were about to be a minute late a while ago, and other details with the mics, things here and there, I just want it to be over already. What about you, all good with Kookie?

Yoongi nodded smiling.—He fell asleep a little before your parents got to the hotel, but the moment I set him in his play pen in their room he woke up crying, it took me 10 minutes to calm him down, I think the place is too unfamiliar for him, he also had a little bit of a hard time falling asleep for his afternoon nap, I had to hold him the whole time, thanks god for the baby carrier, otherwise my arms would be in pain.—He stretch a little remembering his afternoon with the baby.—I couldn't even put him down in the bed, he would wake up and cry if I did, but he seemed to be completely out when I left him with your parents, I hope they don't have any problems.—Jin smiled at the though of his baby, but they both hoped he would be ok without them for one night.

The rest of the night was good, the concert ended as planned with a countdown for midnight and the new year with all of the acts that performed that night back on stage, Jimin and Jhope had been assigned as MC's for this part of the show. Jin and Yoongi were joined by Namjoon at around 11:30, they all had a great time. The couple even shared a kiss right at midnight, Namjoon was a little disappointed he had nobody to do that with since his boyfriend was on stage. After the countdown the MC's thanked the audience and gave an official close to the concert.

When it was all over one of the other executives pop a bottle of Champaign as a celebration, some of the staff and performers had made plans for different afterparties, so they finished their jobs rather quickly and everyone left as soon as they were able to, all of them wanting to be somewhere else already, including the couple, they catch up with their friends to congratulate them and say goodnight, nobody stopped them since the three friends who had performed were tired and wanted to do nothing but rest.

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