Chapter 1

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Belle's pov

Quite. Peace and quiet. That's how it was around my house for almost three years. My twin sister Bailey had gone missing from our school and they had no lead to help them. So almost everyone gave up, but that's what drove me to be sheltered. I hated everyone for losing hope. I didn't socialize with anyone, didn't participate in activities, I basically shut everyone out including my family, but I didn't shut out my boyfriend Garry and brother Nicholas. Garry was a good friend of Nicholas and he set us both up. After Bailey had disappeared, I lost everyone, but Garry and Nicholas stayed by my side, they knew what I was going through and wanted me safe-they helped me with whatever. I knew it wasn't much but I appreciated it all and was thankful for their support, I was just surprised Nicholas wasn't as depressed as I was.

People wanted me to move on with my life as if Bailey never existed but I didn't want to, it may have seemed like she just vanished like she never existed but she did and she still does no matter what. I still look at the clues and evidence and try to search for her, myself. I still haven't lost all hope, even though everyone else has.

One day, while I was trying to look at all the clues the cops had and Garry, comes in unexpectedly.

"Hey there," he says knocking on the half-open door of my messy room "mind if I come in?" Beaming smile on his face as usual.

"Sure, just pull up a chair" I answer as I tried to hide all that I had scattered over the desk.

"What is it that you just tried to hide?"

"What do you mean? I was just putting my stuff away, that's all" that was a lie.

"Tell me what that was" Garry demanded.

I stood up and backed up, letting Garry look at what I tried to hide. When he looked at the news clippings saying 'Local teen goes missing; no leading evidence, no suspects' he just looks at me with sadness coming across his face.

"Its been three years since she's gone missing, I know you need closer but you just have to accept that everyone has done there best to find her but nothings come up. Not all missing people are found. Some go forever and never get found, I'm not saying Bailey won't, but these things just happen to random people and we never know why. They just do. Now look at me in the eyes" he says as he gets on his knees and looks me straight in the eyes "I love you baby, I love you with all my heart but you just can't keep doing this to yourself, you're not the same Isabelle I knew when I met your brother, I still love you, but I want the old you back, just think about what I said at least".

Tears started to form in my eyes. No one ever called me Isabelle. My birth name's Belle but Bailey called me Isabelle cause that's what Belle's short for. Garry knew calling me Isabelle would do some good. He leaned in closer to me, wiped my tears, kissed my cheek where a single tear laid and rubbed my hands.

"I hate seeing you like this, you are my pride and joy, every time I see you do this kind of stuff to yourself, it hurts me cause all I can do is just tell you not to do it but you'll do it again. You know Bailey wouldn't want you to do this to yourself, please stop for her?" he added.

"I k-know that b-b-but what else can I do?" I stuttered, almost crying, "she could still be out there, waiting for someone to come and rescue her, waiting to be set free from the hell she's been in for a whole three years. She could be doing whatever this sick bastard's doing to her just to survive. She could still be hanging on with every breath she has. I know her.. I know she wouldn't just give up like that.. she's a fighter and wouldn't just let anyone take her life away".

"I know she is but that's why I came here. To talk to you. Nic and I both decided to talk to your parents and you're grieving too much. And we want you to talk to someone about all of this. Just think about it at least, but I gotta go now. I have to babysit again. I'll text you the minute I'm finished".

He kissed my forehead, and lips. And stopped in the doorway.

"Just think about what I said, Belle. I love you". Then walked out.

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