Chapter 3

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"The drive will be over soon" I thought to myself, "it'll be over real soon.. Bailey won't be dead, she'll be found safe and in an ambulance being checked out and it'll all be over.. this nightmare I'm stuck in will all be over.."

"Belle? Did you hear me?" Arnold asked, snapping his fingers in my face, getting my attention finally.

He must have asked me something but I wasn't paying attention to it.

"I'm sorry, what did you say again? I wasn't listening" a frown showed up on my face.

"I said we're here. Time to see Bailey" he answered.

He got out of the car, came around and opened the door for me. I was still in the robe and pajamas but I was warm enough. The Autumn leaves were crispy to the touch under your feet. The aroma of fall filled the air and tickled my throat as I followed Arnold to where Bailey supposedly was.

"We're not that far, she's around this tree path" he pointed at.

I was still convinced it was all an act. I knew Bailey was a fighter but was she really dead? I was the smart one and Bailey was the athletic one. She never gave up, never took no for an answer, but how far would she go through to make it?

"She's right down there, I'll let you see for yourself. She's right down there" pointing to a group of trees leading down the river below.

I sat on my butt and scooted down the hill, slowly and carefully down so I wouldn't fall. When the ground was leveled enough, I stood up and started walking. It was cold out, cold and a little scary too. Every little noise I would hear, I would turn around and see what it was but it was just the wind. "Who's there?" I would call out. No response each time. So I just kept walking.
There it was. There was a body, but it wasn't Bailey's, the girl looked nothing like us. "This isn't Bailey! What's going on!?" I yelled. No response.
"You'll know soon enough," Arnold said behind me. He had a rag ready for me. I didn't know what to do but run. But I didn't know where we were. So I ran. "Running won't get you anywhere Belle. I know these woods better than you do. No point in hiding" He called out.
"He's right" I thought to myself, " I have no chance, I just gotta stay calm and think things through. Make sure I get out of here alive". I knew I wouldn't though, he knew the area too well and all I had nothing but my phone to help me out but I had no service.
"Come out, Come out wherever you are Isabelle. We can't keep playing cat and mouse love".
I didn't budge. I didn't want the same thing happen to my sister to happen to me. I had to think of something, but what? Running could get me killed, staying could get me kidnapped. I didn't want either but I had no choice. Time was running out. So I made a choice. I ran, ran as fast as my legs could take me but Arnold was close behind.
"Don't be afraid of me. I love you, your sister showed me the three of us were meant to be a family. We were meant to be together forever" he shouted, chasing me.
I needed to see how close he was so I could make a choice on where to go but I couldn't do it so fast. I looked back for a sec and he was right behind me. He was within feet. I panicked. So I tried to pick up the pace but couldn't, he was faster-everyone was faster than me. Except for Bailey, I thought of Bailey. That's what motivated me to try and run faster but I had been running forever. I didn't know how much longer I could go.
"I've got you now!" He yelled pouncing on me.
It was too late. I was finished. All I knew was coming to an end. Everything flashed before me. I prayed to wake up, this could only be a dream, my imagination. But it wasn't. This was really happening. I prayed and prayed that he would put me out of my misery and just kill me. But he didn't. He did the complete opposite.
"Now that we're alone. We can do what I've wanted to do for a long time". He creepily whispered into my ear.
"Oh hell no! He isn't gonna do what I think he's gonna do!" I thought, "I can't do anything though. I'm helpless.."
He unbuttoned his pants, slipped them off and took mine off as well. And forced himself inside of me. I tried to fight back but was no use. He was on top of me. I gripped the ground and tried to look for something to use. But I couldn't. I did something I should've thought of in the first place. I tried to claw his eyes out. But that didn't work at all.
"If you want to stay alive, stop making this worse" he pinned me by my throat demanding me to stay quiet. He went in deeper and I couldn't take it.
"Help!" I yelled with what voice I had left, "please! Anyone!".
"I'm sorry but you've left me no choice" he whispered in my ear. He then took out his rag and covered my mouth with it. I felt woozy but I still tried to fight with what strength I had left. The last thing I ever saw was him forcing himself inside of me. And I just laid there.

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