Chapter 35 Navi Squad Raid Part 1

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Reisa, Lillie, and I are now at the Pokemon Center in the East Province Area 3, and we're going to fight the Poison Type Boss of the Team Star.

"So the Poison Type base is located in a place known as Tagtree Thicket." Lillie says. "This forest is also home to a lot of Pokemon like Grafaiai."

"Yeah... it is also said that this place has Pokemon that we can actually find in the forest near our Alola School as well." I say.

"Anyway, the base should be in the south." Reisa says as we head to the base, and much like before, director Clavell, disguised as Clive, appears in front of us.

"Ash, Lillie, and Reisa!" He greets us, and in the disguise, he still doesn't refer to us as Master or Miss again.

"Director Clavell... what's the matter?" I ask.

"As I've told you, the name's Clive. Please don't forget it." Clive seems to be annoyed at the fact that I'm always exposing his disguise, and I don't why, it is very funny to me.

"Now, let's pick up our conversation from where we left off before. As I mentioned, I joined Operation Starfall to resolve a sticky situation and to find out the reasons behind Team Star's odd behavior. Above all, I want to know why the students in Team Star have stopped coming to school. And, just like Cassiopeia, I want the team to disband for good."

"We're going to disband the team of course." I nod.

"Since joining Operation Starfall with you, I've already had some success in opening up a dialogue with Team Star. And I think I'm starting to understand things more clearly. But I don't have enough information just yet. That's why I want to speak with students from Team Star's other squads as well."

"I see..." Lillie says.

"If you intend to take on another base, know that you can count on me for backup." Clive says while tidying his hair again. Why would he go with that hairstyle anyway? "Till then, see you around, Ash, Lillie, and Reisa."

After he leaves, we find the gate of the base and see a student arguing with a Team Star member.

"Do me a favor and go home already, will ya?" The grunt frowns.

"NO! I wanna see the boss of the Navi Squad! Take me to Don Atticus!" The student yells.

"Like I said, kid, the boss told me not to let any outsiders past these gates! That includes you!" The grunt says.

"I don't care! I'm not leaving till you let me talk to Don Atticus!"

"Gimme a break, you little doofus..." The grunt notices our arrival and he groans, "Oh great. Here come other randos to ruin my day. I didn't think grunt work for Team Star newbies would be this much of a chore..."

The student notices us and says, "Hold on, Mr. Grunt! I think these people might be Ash and Lillie!"

"Wait... Ash and Lillie? Those kids who picked a fight with Team Star?" The grunt asks.

"Yeah, that's us, so are we going to battle or not?" I ask.

"I knew it!" The student says.

"Hoo-boy, this ain't good!" The grunt frowns. "Everyone else in the base is still asleep since we were up all last night playing video games..."

"Leave them to me, Mr. Grunt! I'll buy some time for you to go wake up the others!"

We are surprised that the student wants to help Team Star. The grunt asks, "Yeah? And what's in it for you?"

"Don Atticus will be in danger if no one's here to defend the base! I owe that man my life. He's my dear compadre! And when crisis calls, one has no choice but to rally to those dear to him - no matter the cost!"

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