Chapter 5: The Rescue

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(I realised my mistake of not mentioning Ruby's replacement weapons for this timeframe, she is using a 6 round revolver that Wrench gave her which can fire dust rounds and she uses a mace for close combat, I know it's not exciting, but I don't think using weapons she is used to is a good idea, James also has a steel bat and a revolver identical to Ruby's)

(POV Y/n)(Saturday)(Time 2:30am)(Location : Atlas)

I sat in an abandoned warehouse with Wrench, Damien and Eric, Wrench was quickly fiddling with my mask, making sure a voice changer was working properly, once finished he handed the mask back to me, as I took it back we all heard a door open and close, around the corner came James, Matt and Ruby, all wearing the same clothes from the train robbery apart from James who was wearing a spare change of clothes thanks to Wrench, his mask was pure black with a glowing green smile.

"Sorry if we're late, I'm not used to this place," James said.

"It's fine, you're actually all a bit early which is even better," I told them as they gathered around the table we all stood at.

"So what's the plan again." Ruby asked, Wrench used his scroll to pull up a map of our surrounding area.

"We split into two groups, Eric, Damien, Y/n and I will all head to this small outpost nearby, the four of us will cause a distraction big enough to bring the surrounding military to us, while that's happening, you, Matt and James will be going to this mining facility, they've got about 50 soldiers around the place, however after our show it should drop to about 20, inside is about 100 faunus, ranging from children to elderly, once you take down the soldiers and freed the faunus, you give us a call and we will steal one of their cargo ships and bring it to you grabbing all of them and then fleeing to menagerie, and we won't need to worry about them following us because I'll disable the tracker, the only true threat is the ships that will follow us, but I've got a plan for that." Wrench said, catching everyone up to speed.

"Any questions," I said, everyone just shook their heads.

"Good, then lets go free these people." I told them all, as everyone grabbed their weapons and masks, putting the mask's on and holstering the weapons, we all walked out of the warehouse and split into our groups, we walked through alleyways as to not alert anyone, we only left the alleys to run across the streets, after walking for about 8 minutes we stopped, I looked around the corner and saw the outpost Wrench was talking about, I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked and saw Wrench standing next to me and pointing up, I looked and saw a set of stairs leading to the roof, however to access that we need to pull down the ladder.

"Give me a boost." Wrench whispered, I only nodded before cupping my hands together and leaning forward, he placed his left foot on my hands and used some momentum to gain height, and I quickly stood straight allowing him to grab onto the ladder, I let go of his foot and moved away, causing him to come down with the ladder, first Wrench went up with Damien then Eric following behind him, I quickly followed and walked up the stairs to the roof, once on it we snuck to the other end being able to see more of the outpost.

"I count 47 soldiers," Eric whispered, I quickly pulled my scroll out of my pocket and saw a message from James that read 'waiting on you', I put my scroll back into my pocket before looking back down onto the base.

"James gave the all clear," I whispered, "So how do we start this," I asked quietly, Wrench looked for a bit before looking over at Damien.

"Damien, I'm gonna need you to go over to those boxes and plant this in one," He said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin metal box which had wires around it.

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now