Chapter 4: Getting My Friend Back

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Bold = Talking
Bold = whispering
Bold = Armour talk
*Bold* = *non violent action*

(POV Y/n)

I was staring at this man who named himself Deadpool, weird name but sure, Kyle and Damien both went to pull out there swords but I put my hand up stopping them

Deadpool: oh not going to use your guards, smart move since you wouldn't want them to die because of you

Y/n: why are you here

Deadpool: I'm here to kill you that's why

Y/n: and why is that, I haven't done anything bad to you

Deadpool: the only reason I like killing, money

Y/n: how much

Deadpool: what's it to you

Y/n: just tell me how much

Deadpool:......500,000 now then 500,000 after you die

Y/n: Kyle

Kyle then sped away then came back with four suitcases, he got in the middle of us and dropped the money, he then walked back over to me

Y/n: that there is two million lien, it's all yours if you leave

Deadpool: oh yeah, more money

He walked towards the suitcases, as he grabbed one of the suitcases, I sped forward and punched him away into a tree which broke it, he stood up and looked at his broken right hand, he grabbed it and snapped it in place

Deadpool: oh wow, break a deal why don't you

I raised my right hand and all four suitcases bursted in a silver flame, Deadpool began to walk to me and pulled out a swords off of his back and twirled it around then got in a fighting pose, I pulled my sword off my back and got in a stance

Deadpool: I'm gonna enjoy this 1 million

Y/n: that's if you're alive after it

(0:58 to 1:33)

As Deadpool was on the ground, Kyle, Damien and I were each shocked to see

Y/n: Matt

Matt grabbed his mask and stood up (don't ask how it came off okay, the gods work in random ways)

Matt: I don't know how you know my name, but you won't see me for a long time

He raised his right hand and threw down a smoke bomb big enough to cover the whole empty space

Y/n: Kyle, Damien don't let him escape

Kyle/Damien: yes sir

Damien then used his powers to find Matt

Damien: he's 150 yards away, east

Kyle: got it

Kyle then ran east to go grab Matt, soon Matt came launching through the trees and landed in front of us, Damien and Kyle both held him down as I made my armour disappear and crouched in front of Matt

Matt: go on then, kill me, do it

Y/n: I'm not going to kill you Matt

Matt: and why not

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now