Chapter 6: We Are Dedsec

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(Monday 3:42am) (POV Ruby)(Location - Beacon Academy)

After the long boat ride plus the time it took for James to use his powers to get us here, we finally made it back to Beacon, we walked up to the doors and into the building, James and Matt led me to their dorm, James opened the door letting me walk in first, Matt followed and then James, I sat on one of the empty beds and laid down, stretching my whole body.

"Boy that was exhausting," I said to the two, stopping my stretching and looking over to them both as they began changing, I quickly covered my eyes and accidentally squealed, catching their attention.

"Something wrong Ruby," Matt asked, I couldn't tell whether he was joking or being serious.

"You're both getting changed in front of me," I said, still covering my eyes.

"Well we can't stay in these clothes, here change into these," James said as I felt two clothing items hit me, I peeked and saw a black shirt with a white skull in the middle and a pair of blue jog shorts.

"You can use the bathroom to change, may as well sleep till school starts," Matt said, I grabbed the clothes and still with my eyes covered walked over to where the bathroom was, once inside I stood for a second contemplating what just happened, I pushed the thoughts away and changed, the shirt was too big for me and the shorts were a few sizes too big, thankfully they had strings for me to pull to my size, I left the other clothes on the floor and walked out of the bathroom, it was dark with the only light coming from James and Matt's bedside lamps, both James and Matt were sitting on their beds, both in pajama pants and tank tops, now looking at them, I never noticed how muscular they are, granted not as muscular as Y/n but still, both of them then looked over at me and smiled.

"You can take either of the spare beds, Ozpin still hasn't been able to find two other students to be on our team," Matt said, I nodded and sat on the bed I was on before, I composed myself before looking at them both.

"So what's the next step," I asked, they both looked at each other for a moment before looking at me.

"We'll just have to wait till Y/n tells us, we still haven't heard about the deal with the White Fang," Matt replied, I couldn't help but feel scared, I know Y/n is a warrior but I couldn't shake the feeling he was in danger, James and Matt could see my look of worry.

"You don't need to fear Ruby, even if they tried, I doubt they could even scratch Y/n, he's fought people way stronger and scarier, there is a reason he leads the army or well did lead one," James reassured, I smiled because I could see that they cared about me.

"I guess you're right, if anyone has seen the things he does, it's you two, I mean you are the same age," I said to them, they both looked confused before chuckling.

"Ruby, Y/n is way older then us, if you don't include the one thousand years we were in cryostasis, he's still older by a good few thousand, maybe even more," James said, hearing this made my mind explode, Y/n is thousands upon thousands of years old.

"The only thing we know, is that he was Emperor of the kingdom for like 12 years before we came along, he's honest about a lot of things, next time you see him ask," Matt said, but I still couldn't get over the fact he was really really old, yet he looked only a year older then me. (forgot to re-mention, Ruby is 17, nearly 18 in this not 15, I may be messed in the head but I'm not trynna make Y/n the new Mini Ladd)

"Well I'm gonna go back to sleep, traveling across Vale at high speeds underground makes you tired," James said as he turned his lamp off, got under his blanket and turned the other way, Matt smiled and did the same, I however was sitting in the dark still thinking, HOW OLD IS THAT MAN AND WHY DOES HE LOOK SO DAMN YOUNG.

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now