Chapter 2: Say Bye to CRDL and Beacon

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Bold = Talking
Bold = whispering
Bold = Armour talk
*Bold* = *non violent action*

(POV Change Ruby)

I woke up in my new dorm, I looked around and it's very nice, I feel a weight on me I look down to see Blaze sleeping on me (don't think of anything dirty with him please, I'm talking to you the readers btw), I smile knowing that he actually sees me as a sibling, he's so cute, I move him to the side of me as I get out of bed, I go to the bathroom and have a quick shower, after my shower I dried off and got dressed in my normal clothes, I walked out of the bathroom to see Blaze watching TV in bed, he notices me and smiles

Blaze: morning ruby

Ruby: good morning Blaze, how did you sleep

Blaze: I slept well, how about you

Ruby: well I had a little cuddle buddy with me so....I slept well

I then heard Blazes stomach rumble, he shyly smiled at me

Blaze: hehe, sorry I'm a bit hungry

Ruby: aww don't worry, you stay right here I'll go get you some breakfast

I walked towards the door but before leaving I looked at Blaze

Ruby: Blaze while I'm gone you do not answer the door okay, unless you hear my voice understand

Blaze: okay

Ruby: good and if anyone tries to enter I want you to hide in the closet and don't make a noise okay

Blaze: understood

Ruby: okay then, be back soon

With that I left my dorm room and started heading to the cafeteria, on my way there I bumped into Pyrrha

Ruby: oh sorry Pyrrha, I wasn't paying attention

Pyrrha: oh it's no big deal, where are you heading

Ruby: I'm just gonna get some breakfast and eat in my dorm

Pyrrha: oh that's right I heard you got a new dorm, how did you pull that off

Ruby: with a little persuasion my dear friend

Pyrrha: right, well is it all right if I eat with you

Ruby: ummm, *in head* what should I do, I mean Pyrrha is my bestie but what would her reaction be to meeting Blaze

Pyrrha: Ruby....Remnant to Ruby *waves hand in front of Ruby*

Ruby: huh what

Pyrrha: I asked if I could eat with you, it's fine if you don't wanna

Ruby: no no no it's fine, yeah you can eat with me

Pyrrha: awesome, well let's go

We both then walked to the cafeteria, upon arrival I opened the door allowing Pyrrha in first, I then follow her to the line grabbing two trays, I pushed the trays along and got pancakes, eggs and bacon, cookies, sausages, toast and cereal, I picked up both trays with ease and started to walk back to my dorm with Pyrrha, when we got to the cafeteria door I kicked it open and it hit someone, I walked out of the door and saw Jaune on the ground holding his nose

Jaune: ahh fuck that hurts

Ruby: oh man up you fucking pussy, it's just a fucking door, you clearly haven't been stabbed or shot now have you

Jaune: have you

Ruby: actually yeah in the week I was gone, I got stabbed during my training, it hurt for a tiny bit but wanna know why it didn't hurt later

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