Chapter 8: A New Enemy

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Hey everyone, before the chapter gets started I'm putting this here for a quick explanation, a long while back when I was writing the original I had promised @Balasubas19 that I was going to add their Oc into the book, however since I didn't write for years I completely forgot, so too keep my promise I will be doing that.

(POV Mercury)

I stood, waiting at a corner for Emerald, as of the moment I had been waiting for half an hour, but thankfully she rounded the corner.

"I knew you were lost," I said to her.

"Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up," She said, waving a wallet with lien at my face.

"That isn't yours," I said, she smiled while still waving it at me.

"But it can be yours for just 5 minutes of silence," She told me, I just chuckled before walking past her.

"No deal," I say to her.

"Fine," She says, throwing the now empty wallet away. We kept walking through the city, passing hundreds of people and tons of buildings. We walked for a good few minutes before I broke the silence.

"How much farther," I asked.

"A few more blocks," She said, both of us rounding a corner now walking down an empty street.

"This place is so dull," I say to her.

"I kinda like it, tall buildings, diverse culture," She says listing random stuff.

"And nice dumb people who are easy to pickpocket," I say, causing her to stop walking and just stare at me.

"That's every city," She says to me.

"Oh Emerald, master thief, please don't take my money, I have nothing else," I say mockingly, she glares at me and groans before continuing on her walk.

"Damn you're no fun," I say following behind, after a few more minutes of walking we finally made it to the shop, we both walked in as I stopped and looked at a few books near the door, while Emerald walked over to the counter and rang the bell.

"Be right there," A male voice yelled out, muffled thanks to being in the back room, soon our man Tukson walked out holding stacks of books, he walked to a table and planted them down.

"Now how can I," He said, going from a cheery voice to a scared tone, he walked over and stood behind his counter.

"Just browsing," I said, slamming the book I was holding shut, putting it back and picking out a new one and flipping through it.

"I was wondering, do you have any copies of 'The Thief and The Butcher'," Emerald asked.

"Yes we do, would you like a copy," Tukson asked.

"Nope, just wondering," She said, I slammed the other book shut and again picked out another one, from the corner of my eye, I could see Tukson getting nervous.

"Oh, what about 'Violet's Garden'," She asked, I looked at the book I was holding and saw that was it.

"He has it, hardback too," I told her, while giving Tukson a smile.

"Oh nice, love all the options," Emerald said.

"Yeah but not pictures, you got any comics," I asked.

"Other side," Tukson said, I walked around and boom there they were.

"Let me cut to the chase Tukson, I heard that you plan on leaving and moving to Vacuo," Emerald said, I reached over and flicked a switch, causing the dark window covers to come down, making the store darker.

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now