Matt's Bio

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Viol3nt_Splitz Oc (with a few changes)
Name: Matt Lang

Aka: Deadpool

Age: over 1000 years old (looks 18)


Likes: Y/N, Faunus, His Weapons, Chimichangas, Killing Bad Guys, Money, Emerald, Kyle and Damien

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Likes: Y/N, Faunus, His Weapons, Chimichangas, Killing Bad Guys, Money, Emerald, Kyle and Damien

Dislikes: Racists, Discriminators, Team CRDL, Bad Guys, Ozpin, Jaune, Salem

Personality: Cold, Paranoid, Overly Confident, Cocky (to regular people or enemies), Kind, Sweet, Caring, Loyal, Smartass (to friends)

Powers: Godly Strength/Speed/Agility/Durability/Endurance/Reflexes, Extreme Healing Factor, Master Marksman, Master at Hand-to-Hand combat, Master Assassin, Hell Fire Control

Back Story: Matt, grew up in a poor situation, picked on mostly having to be the caretaker of his own mother. He was often bullied to the extent to where they would make him want to take his own life, they bullied him, called him names, and we're physical in every way, however one day his mother had died making him even more depressed, he spent years out on the streets, until one day on his 16th birthday, he was found by Y/n and taken in, Y/n had helped Matt become stronger and much better then before, however when Y/n had frozen himself in time, Matt was elsewhere when it happened, so when he returned home no one was there, he went and lived in the mountains until he fell into a cave and got frozen in time, many years later Atlas had discovered him and thawed him out, when he was unfrozen he didn't remember anything but his name and his powers, so he became a mercenary named Deadpool


Weapons: Katanas

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Weapons: Katanas

Pistols (he has 2 of them)

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Pistols (he has 2 of them)

Girlfriend: Emerald Sustrai

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Girlfriend: Emerald Sustrai

Girlfriend: Emerald Sustrai

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