Chapter 4: The Date

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Changed the writing style, hope you like this better

(POV James) (Sunday) (Time: 6:17pm)

"James hurry up!" The muffled voice of Matt had echoed behind the door, I finished brushing my hair and placed the brush on the counter.

"I'm getting ready, shut up!" I screamed back, I sprayed my pits with deodorant making sure they didn't stink, I put on my white tee and black hoodie, I used my hand to smell my own breath, wasn't bad so its fine, I walked over and opened the bathroom door, I stepped out and was greeted by Matt staring at me with a smile.

"Looking good, blue jeans and black hoodie combo, classic." Matt said whilst giving me a thumbs up.

"Well we aren't going to some restaurant so may as well look casual." I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"My little boy going on his first date." He said in a fake sad tone, wiping under his left eye.

"Shut up." I replied as I picked up an empty water bottle and threw it at him, causing him to flinch in response to it hitting him, he just laughed for a second before sitting up straight.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"Well there is still that festival in Vale, so probably go there." I replied whilst fiddling with my hoodie string.

"Nice, win her some prizes, maybe kiss at the top of the Ferris Wheel?" He sarcastically replied.

"I doubt we are going to kiss on the first date Matt." I said

"You never know man."

I took my scroll out of my right pocket and looked at the time, 6:20PM, I placed my scroll in my right pocket, I grabbed my wallet and placed it in my left pocket.

"Alright I should probably get going, don't wanna keep her waiting."

"Go getter tiger."

With that, I left the dorm and began walking through the halls till I reached Velvets dorm, I sighed to myself and shook any negative thoughts out of my head.

'Tonight will go fine,' I thought to myself, I knocked on the door and within a few seconds the door swung open, I was greeted by Coco waiting, she had a stern look, she walked out and closed the door behind her, still keeping eye contact.

"So, where are you taking her?" She asked sternly

"I was thinking the festival in town," I said, confused by the sudden question.

"What time will you be back,"

"Uhh, I dunno, like past 11pm, I'm not sure, it depends on how the night goes?" I replied being 100 percent honest.

"Any condoms on you?"

"Why the fuck would I carry condoms?" I questioned a tad aggressively .

"In case you get lucky tonight," She stated whilst folding her arms.

"Look, I don't know about you, but I don't plan on trying to sleep with Velvet tonight, It's a first date, just see where things go," I told her, she unfolded her arms and smiled at me.

"I knew I could trust you James," She replied, the sound of the door opening had caught our attentions, standing at the open door was Velvet, she was wearing black skinny jeans, red and black checked flannel and black high tops, Coco stood aside as Velvet walked forward.

"Hey James, you look great," Velvet said with a cute smile on her face.

"I was going to say the same to you," I said trying my hardest to hide my blush.

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now