Chapter 3: The New Army

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Bold = Talking
Bold = whispering
Bold = Armour talk
*Bold* = *non violent action*

(POV Y/n)

I was sitting on my throne waiting for Damien and Kyle to come back from Menagerie, as I was waiting for them Ruby had come into the room

Ruby: hey Y/n

Y/n: hello Ruby, where's Blaze

Ruby: oh he's with Sebastian and Alice, I have a question about them

Y/n: and what would that be

Ruby: are they dating, because they make a cute couple

Y/n: *chuckles* that's the funny thing, they both have feelings for each other except they won't confess to the other because they don't want it to be weird if the other rejects

Ruby: then my goal is to make them together

Y/n: very funny, oh I almost forgot I have a surprise for you

Ruby: oh a surprise, is it cookies

Y/n: if I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it

Ruby: oh, yeah forgot

Y/n: that's okay, now close your eyes and hold your hands in front of you

Ruby did as told as I walked in front of her and placed the item in her hands

Y/n: now open your eyes

She did as so and gasped, since in her hands is Crescent Rose

She did as so and gasped, since in her hands is Crescent Rose

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Ruby: h-how did you-

Y/n: Blaze told me that he saw you throw this off of beacons roof and he heard what you said, so I had Kyle go to beacon and collect the pieces and once he brought them back I had fixed it

Ruby: but, why

Y/n: Ruby, you may think you might have been weak before you met us, but I want to let you know that the old Ruby was strong and now you still are, don't change who you are, even if you don't wanna use Crescent Rose, then at least keep it in your room, so that you can remember the good parts of your past...okay

Ruby: okay, thanks Y/n *hugs Y/n*

Y/n: *hugs ruby* it's okay Ruby *stops hugging* now go do your mission

Ruby: right, mission "get Sebastian and Alice to date because they would look cute together" is a go

Y/n: that's a long mission name

Ruby: shush, I couldn't think of a name for it

Y/n: what about mission "Love Maker"

Ruby: nah, thanks for the suggestion

The Silver Eyed Emperor (Male Reader x Abused/Bullied Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now